Abhilash Tomy rescue: race to save the seriously injured sailor drifting at sea


Abhilash Tomy, a 39-year-old Indian naval commander, competed in the 2018 Golden Globe Race – a 30,000-mile non-stop solo yachting competition that prevents the use of modern technology – when his boat hit Friday more more than 3000 kilometers off the coast of Australia.

Multinational rescue efforts were immediately launched to save him, but Tomy's 36-foot boat, Thuriya, one of the many 80-mph winds and 46-foot seas in the middle of the Indian Ocean, is was at the limit "according to the organizers of the race.

The race officials sent messages to Tomy informing him of the latest updates to the bailout, but he no longer sends back their messages, suggesting that he may be "now too weak to pass on". they declared.

Calls for help

The Thuriya mast was broken about 3,100 km southwest of Perth, from where Tomy sent a text message on Friday: "ROLLED DISMASTED, SERIOUS DAMAGE." He then did not release almost 15 hours.

Later, he sent messages confirming that he had activated his emergency locator transmitter (EPIRB), but that he was unable to walk and that he might need to 39, a stretcher.

The race indicated that later posts indicated that Tomy was safe, but that he was immobilized in his berth. His message was: "CAN MOVE WORKS.

His last message said: "ICE TEA BOTTLES, HAVING THAT VOMITING IN CONTINUOUS BURNING OF BREAST Position: 39 '33.512 S 077' 41.608 E".

Rescue efforts

The Maritime Rescue Coordination Center in Canberra, Australia, is responsible for rescue operations. Australian, French and Indian warships and other boats of the competition are going through difficult conditions to join him.

A French fishing patrol boat must arrive at Tomy between 6:00 am and 8:00 am GMT (2:00 am to 4:00 pm ET) Monday. "The plan is to launch two crewed zodiacs (small inflatable boats) to Tomy, and then try to ship and administer first aid immediately," said organizers of the Golden Globe race on Facebook. "Then evaluate the eventual evacuation."

An Indian military aircraft was to fly over the vessel in distress two hours earlier in an attempt to establish communications between the French ship and another yacht, skippered by the Irishman Gregor McGuckin, who was also caught in the storm but managed to join the operation.

The organizers said that there was still strong winds and a big swell.

The race organizers posted a photo on Facebook early Sunday morning aboard the Thuriya, caught on an Indian Navy plane and showing the sails of the ship in the water.

The organizers said Tomy was able to tell them by SMS that he had heard the plane pass by.

A business jet was also sent from Perth, Australia, and the crew will assess the damage to Tomy's boat.

The Indian authorities have dispatched a military plane from Mauritius and are diverting a stealth frigate and tanker exercises off South Africa.

The Australian authorities send an Anzac class frigate, but it will take four to five days to reach Tomy.

The Estonian navigator Uku Randmaa is also trying to join Tomy.

The Irishman McGuckin, whose boat also rolled into the storm and suffered minor injuries, also asked to be evacuated.

"It is NOT in distress but believes that it is the responsible option to take now that all means of rescue are at hand," said the race organizers.

McGuckin had installed a makeshift rig on his boat and was trying to reach Tomy using a mixture of wind and engine power.

Race organizers said Sunday that bad weather would delay the arrival of the first ship to Tomy until Tuesday, but the French ship has progressed well since.

The Race's website describes Tomy as one of India's most prominent sailors and an Indian Navy pilot.

Tomy traveled 84,000 km (52,000 miles) under sail while sailing in the Indian Navy, including a non-stop solo round the world flight from Mumbai in 2012/13.

It has been quoted as saying of the Golden Globe race: The focus is not on technology and its management, but on navigation and a direct experience of the sea. This Spartan philosophy is consistent from my point of view that much can be achieved with very little. "

Origins of the race

The 2018 Golden Globes fleet took off on July 1st from Les Sables d'Olonne in France. The race is by invitation only and requires a marine sailing experience of at least 8,000 miles (12,900 km) and a solo experience of at least 3,220 kilometers (3,000 miles).

Eighteen ships started this year's race – marking the 50th anniversary of the initial race – but on September 10, seven of the boats had left the competition.

In keeping with the original 1968 race, skippers must navigate using paper maps and stars.

Robin Knox-Johnston: The first man to have sailed solo non-stop around the world

However, the boats of 2018 are equipped with modern technologies to ensure the safety of their skippers.

Sailors have the ability to send textual reports of 100 characters per satellite twice a day and use a satellite phone to perform a weekly security check.

Each boat also carries a sealed safe containing a GPS and a second satellite phone, but breaking the seal disqualifies a sailor from the race.

Race organizers also track boats by GPS – although sailors can not see the data.

Tomy's boat is a replica of Robin Knox-Johnston's yacht Suhaili.

Knox-Johnston won the first edition of the Golden Globe, becoming the first person to sail solo all over the world non-stop. His trip took 312 days and he was the only one of the nine skippers who started the race.

Knox-Johnston expressed concern for Tomy on Twitter Sunday morning.

"Very concerned about @abhilashtomy's injuries and will be happy when assistance can reach him," he said.

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