Abortion activists send hangers to Senator GOP: report


Abortion Rights Activists Sending Republican Senator Susan Collins Susan Margaret Collins Senator Says Supreme Court Vote May Be "End of Career" for Legislators The Battle of the Supreme Court revives the debate on abortion Trump does not intend to read the academic article of the Supreme Court, but wants to know that there is: report MORE (Maine) hangers in the mail with the aim of inciting him to vote against any Supreme Court candidate who would overthrow Roe v. Wade.

The Cut reported on Monday that advocates are launching Collins wire hangers as a graphic reminder of some of the steps historically taken when access to abortion has been restricted.

Judge Anthony Kennedy announced last week that he was retiring at the end of July, sparking fears that his GOP-appointed replacement would lead the court to overturn the historic Roe v. Wade to legalize abortion.

Collins is considered a key vote in the Senate for President Trump's candidate Donald John TrumpTrump congratulates the new Mexican president: "I'm very much looking forward to working with him" Comedian who allegedly called Trump says that He hired Michael Avenatti Ex-Trump's help Hope Hicks as chief of staff: Trump will "listen to women more than men" PLUS [19659013] who promised to name "pro-life judges" in the past.

"I consider Roe v. Wade as an established law," Collins told reporters this week. "It's clearly a precedent, and I'm always looking for judges who respect the precedents."

Collins expressed skepticism about the Supreme Court overturning the historical discovery.

] John Roberts gave his respect for the precedent and his cautious approach, despite his personal opinions, I would be very surprised if the Chief Justice never voted to overthrow Roe v. Wade, just to give you an example, "Collins said Monday's podcast" The Daily "

Collins said Sunday that she was going to have an" in-depth "discussion with any judge appointed by Trump at the High Court

Collins and his colleague GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski Lisa Ann MurkowskiThe Battle of the Supreme Court Raises the Debate on Abortion Senators during the Supreme Court Sunday shows the battle of the Supreme Court in the honor PLUS (Alaska) The legislation on health care and abortion, including the failed ballot votes Last summer to repeal ObamaCare and, in January, ban most abortions after 20 weeks

Republicans only hold a margin of 51-49, so every GOP vote is essential to confirm Trump's candidate. [19659020] (function (d, s, id) {
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