About half of the "last Jedi" were Russian trolls, according to a newspaper



Last winter, a little movie called Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi ran a bit in the vinegar en route to generating $ 1.3 billion worldwide: Some Star wars the heads laughed at it – no father, Bob. And these excited fans have made their vitriol known online. At the time, it seemed that there were not really so many enemies, that they were just stronger than those who had loved, even adored the eighth "episode" of the series. About half of these opponents were Russian trolls.

The Hollywood journalist highlighted a new scholarly article by Morten Bay. Entitled Weaponizing the Haters: The Last Jedi and the Strategic Politicization of Pop Culture Through the Manipulation of Social Media, the document – which you can read in full here – states that the "controversy" over Rian Johnson's contribution to the four-decade franchise has been merged, inaccurate and undeserved.

Bay, in his summary, claims to have found "evidence of deliberate and organized measures of political influence, disguised as supporters' arguments," making many fan complaints a mere misinformation. He goes on to say: "The likely goal of these measures is to increase media coverage of the popular conflict, thus adding to the spread of a discourse on widespread discord and dysfunction in American society. Persuading the voters of this story remains a strategic goal for the American "right" movement, as well as for the Russian Federation.

That's right: Russia is not only interested in the US elections. They are interested in our movies about giant bears and robots that also look like garbage cans.

Bay examines the online negative reactions of the film, which he divides into three groups: those with a political agenda, the trolls and what he calls "true fantasists" – those who have been truly disappointed.
"Overall, 50.9% of those who tweeted negatively [about the movie] was probably politically motivated or even not human, "he writes, adding," A number of these users seem to be Russian trolls. "

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