Academic Staff Strikes at Qantas After Staff Calls Miss Instead of Doctor


A professor has denounced Qantas airline staff who called him Miss instead of Doctor – although the title appears on his ticket.

After flying with the company, Dr. Siobhan O'Dwyer tweeted, "I did not spend 8 years at university to be called Miss."

She said that the staff member looked at her ticket and said that she was a doctor but that she always called him Miss – stating that the person had "decided it was a typo".

Dr. O'Dwyer hoped that her tweet would expose "one of the thousand cases of sexism that women encounter every day" (Photo: Twitter)

But his tweet, beloved 8,000 times, divided the opinion of those who argued that the Qantas worker was wrong or not.

The Australian academic, who is currently working in the UK, later announced that she had received "so much nonsense for this tweet".

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She explained, "It was not about my ego. It was to highlight one of the thousand cases of sexism that women encounter every day. "

Dr. O'Dwyer, an award-winning professor at the University of Exeter's Faculty of Medicine, seems to have received support and criticism to the same extent.

His Australian counterpart, Dr. Mel Thomson, told him, "You have all the solidarity on this issue."

She also said, "I am the first to finish high school (let alone get several degrees) in my family. I'll be damned if some trolley dolly manage to decide what honor I get, FFS (sic). "

But an airline steward – with Belleo's Twitter name – resumed Dr. Thompson's tweet and replied, "Please do not call us trolley carts.

"We may not have completed a doctorate, but we are required by law 2 to maintain the qualifications that allow us to evacuate an aircraft in 90 seconds, stay in flight, prevent diversions, extinguish fires, etc.

"I have always used the honorific title.

The doctor posted a photo on Twitter showing that she had already been referred to as "Sir" when she was registered in the past – not with Qantas (Photo: Twitter).

"I have always been particularly attentive to what I use when I saw it on a woman's home card, because I am proud to be able to support the woman and her achievements in a world centered on women. 'man.

"You just left and you can not talk about it with your condescending comment about us."

Qantas said that they stood to the professionalism of their cabin crew.

A spokesperson said, "We are extremely proud of our cabin crew who respectfully serve our customers day after day and play a vital role in safety."

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