According to a new study, air pollution particles found in placentas of mothers


"We also know that particles do not need to enter the baby's body to have an adverse effect, because if they have an effect on the placenta, this will have a direct impact on the fetus."

The five pregnant women who participated in the study all lived in London and had to plan deliveries by caesarean section. All five were non-smokers and gave birth to a healthy baby after an uncomplicated pregnancy.

Each of the women consented to have her placenta, an organ that attaches to the uterus during pregnancy and connects the mother to the fetus, examined by the research team.

The placenta allows oxygen and nutrients to pass through the blood supply from the mother to the fetus through the umbilical cord and also ensures the elimination of any waste.

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This particular study focused on placental macrophages. These cells are part of the immune system and fight against harmful particles such as bacteria and pollution particles, and play a key role in the protection of the placenta.

According to the report, the team examined 3,500 macrophage cells from the five placentas, finding that 60 cells contained 72 dark areas between them, which researchers believe to be carbon particles.

"We have long known that air pollution affects the development of the fetus and can continue to affect babies after birth and throughout their lives," said Dr. Lisa Miyashita, of Lt. Queen Mary University of London.

"We were interested to see if these effects could be due to pollution particles moving from the mother's lungs to the placenta." Until now, there was very little evidence that inhaled particles enter the bloodstream. by the lungs. "

Dr. Mina Gaga, president of the European Society of Respirology, added that "this new research suggests a possible mechanism of how babies are affected by pollution while theoretically protected in the uterus."

"We need stricter policies for cleaner air to reduce the impact of pollution on global health because we already see a new population of young adults with health problems," she said. she declared.

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The research is in its infancy, but results are based on previous research highlighting the links between exposure of pregnant women to air pollution and infant mortality, premature births and underweight at birth.

"We have strong evidence that higher levels of traffic pollution in London are associated with a higher risk of adverse pregnancy, such as low birth weight babies, pathways to disease." said Dr. Mireille Toledano, president of Perinatal and Pediatric Environmental Epidemiology at Imperial College London, who was not involved in the new research.

"It is clear that current levels of air pollution do not adequately protect pregnant women and their unborn children, and policy-makers need to address them urgently to improve public health."

A report released by UNICEF in December 2017 indicates that nearly 17 million babies under one year old live in areas where pollution is at least six times greater than international limits.
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