According to a study, attending a church can reduce the risk of heart disease among African Americans


If you are exploring ways to reduce your risk of heart disease, consider going to church. Engaging could help improve your health, according to a new report.

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Researchers at the New York University School of Medicine recently conducted a study, published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, to determine how faith-based communities can help bring about change in their lives. lifestyle among African Americans.

"Vulnerable populations often have reduced access to primary care. We need to reduce racial disparities in hypertension-related outcomes between blacks and whites, "said co-author Gbenga Ogedegbe in a statement.

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For the evaluation, they collected data from 373 black adults from 32 churches in New York City between 2010 and 2014. The participants themselves had been diagnosed with hypertension and non-high blood pressure. controlled. One third of the group was diabetic and more than half were clinically obese.

During the test, the subjects met community health workers at the church 90 minutes a week for 11 weeks, where they learned how to use a food diary, plan meals, manage the stress and find ways to do exercise daily activities. They also had to attend three motivational sessions to help them maintain their lifestyle changes. Prayer and scripture were also included in the program.

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After analyzing the results, the scientist found that people meeting regularly with community health workers found a net reduction of 5.8 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury) in systolic blood pressure after six months. If maintained for four to five years, the reduction could reduce heart attacks, strokes and heart failure by at least 20%, according to the Wall Street Journal.

"African Americans have a much heavier burden of high blood pressure and heart disease, and our results show that people with uncontrolled hypertension can indeed better manage their blood pressure through programs administered in places of worship Said Ogedegbe.

Analysts noted that prayer, which they viewed as a form of meditation, also played an important role in the results, as hypertensive patients often had levels of anxiety and blood pressure that were biomarkers of stress. They said that prayer can possibly "lead to a reduction of the pulse".

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Scientists hope that clergy and church leaders will use their findings to replicate intervention programs in their churches. They also announced their intention to include "partnerships between community clinics and community centers to provide more comprehensive and structured health management" for future studies.

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