According to Bob Iger, Disney's CEO, Star Wars movies are slowing down


In a revealing interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Disney CEO Bob Iger revealed that there might be a chance for Disney to publish too much Star Wars movies, too soon. He also touched on a few other topics – including the fact that Disneyland will actually start serving alcohol, and how he stands next to the board of directors of James Gunn. Guardians of the galaxy 3 – but Star Wars The comment is perhaps the most striking.

Iger was invited to comment on Star Wars when THR mentioned that some fans and critics have suggested that Disney stop trying to produce a new Star Wars movie every year. The CEO took a moment, then replied:

"I made the decision to time, and thinking back, I think the mistake I made – I blame it – was a little too much, too fast. You can expect a slowdown, but that does not mean we're not going to make movies. "

He highlighted some of the projects that were and are currently under development, including The iron Throne duet David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. But, he also admitted that the studio plans to slow down somewhat in their Star Wars content after Star Wars: Episode IX. "We're just at the point where we're going to start making decisions about what's next after J.J.", he said. "But I think we're going to be a little more careful about volume and timing, and the problem is there."

So, that means that the Star wars the extended universe might not be as large as expected by fans – and that means fans hoping for a Solo the rest may need to rethink their plans.

Star wars

Although Iger did not say with certainty that he had put pending projects ahead, this is enough for fans to stop. It has been said that one Solo the rest could happen, or at least a spin-off centered on a young Lando Calrissian. But no official plan has been announced and these comments have certainly questioned these potential films. Plus, an Obi-Wan movie was supposed to be on the horizon, and now it seems like it will not happen anytime soon.

It's a bit disappointing for fans who have no problem with the Disney Star Wars frequency However, that also makes sense. Between 2015 and 2018, Disney came out Star Wars: The awakening of the force, Thief A, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Solo: A story of Star Wars, introduces television series Resistance to Star Wars, and more. That's a lot. The cup overflows; even super-fans have to admit it.


Still, Iger insisted that the days of the new Star Wars the content is far from over. "You can expect some slowdown," he insisted, "but that does not mean we will not make films." For example:

"NOT A WORD. [Abrams] is busy doing[[[[Episode] IX. We have creative entities, including Benioff and Weiss, who develop their own sagas, over which we have not been precise. "

Admitting that we would put too much Star Wars content in a short period of time could shake the fans who were looking forward to it. It is therefore good to hear that the studio does not abandon all its projects together. Still, it would be nice to shoot a Lando movie as soon as possible.

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