According to Gase, dolphins will consider major defense changes after the Texan defeat


Matt Burke's touch-line blast made him feel his blood pressure had reached an all-time high.

The Miami Dolphins defensive coordinator did not hide his frustration as quarterback Texans Deshaun Watson shredded his defense in the 42-23 loss to Houston on Thursday night.

Texas receivers ran down on many pieces.

Striker Jordan Thomas was discovered in the end zone and took two touchdowns.

Back Lamar Miller has made 58 defeats to Miami defense in one game.

Watson, the Texans' first choice in 2017, who started his 15th game, produced a career record of 156.0, the career best of 239 yards and five touchdowns.

His performance and Miami's defense difficulties for the second week in a row enabled coach Adam Gase to recognize that his team needed to re-evaluate everything they were doing in defense.

"We need to improve quickly," said Gase about his 4-4 team. "I'm going to reevaluate this weekend. We need to find a way to improve defense and maintain control and place it in the attacking zone. "

Gase calls the Dolphins on the offensive and takes a passive approach to defending Miami. He is seldom visible on the sideline when the defense is on the field, which means Burke, who is in his second season as a defense leader, needs to take ownership of his unit. will win 884 yards in the last two games.

According to Gase, Burke's work is safe for the moment.

After all, earlier this season, when the Dolphins were 3-0 and 4-2, it was the defense that was carrying the team.

So how did the tide turn so fast?

"We played very unruly as a defense," said linebacker Raekwon McMillan. "We have to run, rebound and on the third quarter of the season."

Four days after conceding a 24-21-yard loss to the Detroit Lions (32-21), the Dolphins allowed the Texans to win 188 yards on the floor, behind Miller's 133 yards and a touchdown.

Gase acknowledged that the short training week leading up to Thursday night's game did not allow Miami to properly resolve some of the problems in Detroit.

But it seems that the Texans have exposed more issues of concern, given the number of their receivers open to the passenger game.

"There is no magic pill. There is no secret. It's the defense. Every player has a gap, a man, a zone or whatever, "said Cameron Wake, the pass passer. "At some point, the ball will come to the person, to the man, away and to a person responsible for it.

"Made [the breakdown] come in my happiness? Did not I do what I had to do? Has it happened in your happiness? Did not you do what you were supposed to do?

Miami's defensive line was weakened by injuries and the release of Jordan Phillips earlier this month.

Cornerback Bobby McCain, who is in his second game after a knee injury suffered in Miami's loss to the New England Patriots, said he had played his worst game of the season. defense.

The question is who solves it. And how do they do it?

Gase plans to evaluate everything in the coming days, including the tricks that Miami uses for defense.

Does the wide-nine approach to go rushing work? Do dolphins play too many areas at the back?

"It's disturbing, but I know the guys in that locker room and on this team. We just have to find a way to flip the switch and find a way to get back to what we were first four or five weeks of the season. Said defensive tackle Akeem Spence. "Nobody comes to save us."

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