According to Matthew McConaughey, about what Rick is really a white boy


Movie lovers have seen it countless times. The title card at the beginning of a movie that lets you know that she was inspired by real events. And while each of these films has varying levels of accuracy, there is something particularly exciting about seeing an out of the world story that IRL has produced. That's exactly the case with Yann Demange's new drama Rick White Boy, which has just arrived in theaters. Featuring Matthew McConaughey in the role of Richard Wershe Sr., the film tells the story of a teenage boy's lapel pin and an FBI informant, McConaughey playing father of the main character. Sean O'Connell of CinemaBlend recently had the opportunity to speak with the actor at the Toronto Film Festival, where McConaughey revealed what is really at the heart of Rick White Boy.

While Rick White Boy tells a story that seems really bigger than life, Matthew McConaughey found the universal truths in the film's story. This is the family, the difficulties and imperfections of real life, whether your son ends up becoming a drug lord or not.

The role of Matthew McConaughey as an actor is to give life to his character and to accompany the audience in the path of the director and the writer. This process involves drawing on one's own psyche, as well as those who do not resemble him. McConaughey has played different roles at this stage, so he is familiar with this preparation. For Rick White Boyit meant talking to people whose experience was different from his own, including the stress of single parenthood.

Of course, there was also research to do with the actual characters in the movie. Richard Wersche Jr. will always be a child for history books, with regard to law enforcement and organized crime. That extends to his father, who plays Matthew McConaughey Rick White Boy.

You can see Sean O'Connell's conversation with Matthew McConaughey below.

The pressure was definitely on Matthew McConaughey and the rest of the cast to deliver with Rick White Boy, especially since the main character remains infamous today. He was recently released in 2017, but he is back in the system right now.

Rick White Boy is in the rooms now. In the meantime, check out our 2018 mailing list to plan your next trip to the cinema.

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