According to new study, Mediterranean diet could prevent depression – Honolulu, Hawaii news, sports & weather


By Nina Avramova, CNN

According to a new study, a Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts and fish could help reduce the risk of depression.

The research, published Wednesday, analyzed 41 studies on the subject and found a link between people's diets and their chances of developing depression.

People who followed a strict Mediterranean diet had a 33% lower risk of depression than those less likely to follow these eating habits.

"There is compelling evidence showing that there is a relationship between the quality of your diet and your mental health," said Camille Lassale, associate researcher at the department of epidemiology and public health. University College London in the United Kingdom. "This relationship goes beyond the effect of diet on the size of your body or on other aspects of health that may in turn affect your mood."

People whose diet was rich in inflammatory substances, such as processed meats, trans fats and alcohol, were more likely to have depressive effects.

"A pro-inflammatory diet can induce systemic inflammation, and this can directly increase the risk of depression," Lassale said, adding that emerging evidence shows a relationship between the gut and the brain, controlled by gastrointestinal bacteria -intestinales. our diet

Based on their analysis, the researchers found that several factors causing brain damage – such as oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and inflammation – can be controlled by the diet of the brain. 39, a person. These factors also show an association with depression, according to the study.

Other studies have shown that nutrients such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium have positive effects on brain function.

Conventional treatment of depression with antidepressants has been shown to be effective in "only one in three cases," according to the study, and the disease relapsed in approximately 50% of cases. The new findings suggest that a person's diet can help treat and prevent the disease.

"We have known for some time that what we eat can affect our physical health, but the impact on mental health and specifically depression has not yet been comprehensively assessed," said Brendon Stubbs , professor of psychology and neuroscience at King's College London. did not participate in the study. "The potential implications for public health are considerable."

But Stubbs also warned that "clearly, we can not say that our diet contributes to the onset of depression from this research".

In many cases, the data relied on the memory of people who consume and people who follow a Mediterranean diet generally adopt other healthier lifestyle habits, such as not smoking or smoking.

Naveed Sattar, professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow, added that "a high dose of caution is needed" because "the study is only about observational studies".

"Current evidence is not enough to prove that plant-rich diets can prevent depression, because most evidence shows that people with mental health problems make their health worse." he said.

Sattar concluded that while eating healthier is good for many reasons, "we need more evidence before we can say that plant-rich diets can improve mental health."

Depression affects 300 million people worldwide, with 7% of women and 4% of men affected, according to the new study. According to the World Health Organization, the loss of productivity caused by depression and anxiety disorders is estimated at $ 1 trillion each year.

A recent study found that the Mediterranean diet could also help prevent dementia, with older people following the diet reducing the risk of developing the disease by a third. Another study found more benefits at an older age, including an extended life span.

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