According to report, Amazon could open 3,000 new stores over the next three years


Are we closer and closer to life in a Black mirror episode where is everyone's life about to become more practical? According to new reports, Amazon will open 3,000 Amazon Go stores over the next three years. In other words, we are much closer to the non-cash stores that make up our favorite shopping experience … and much closer to the robots that officially take over.

As reported by Bloomberg, a close to the retail giant said that Amazon was planning to open a few thousand new stores by 2021. Expansion would probably be expensive, like the high-tech shopping experience from Amazon Go's first store in Seattle. This first store would require $ 1 million in equipment.

What does a million-dollar technical equipment look like? For beginners, Amazon Go Store customers do not need to interact with employees, which seems like a dream or the beginning of a sci-fi movie. All transactions are done through the app with video cameras and sensors that monitor what customers put in their shopping cart. No scan No payment lines. You have just scanned the application to enter the store and start shopping. This imminent takeover of the robot sounds more and more fun and practical.

Amazon was silent on the reports, telling CNBC: "We do not comment on rumors or speculation." OK, but maybe you could blink if it allows me to fill my basket of Goldfish crackers without judgment from employees?

Stephen Brashear / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Amazon's first Amazon Go store, opened in 2017, has been touted as your typical grocery store with a slightly more limited selection of products. However, Amazon would consider further restricting its focus. In the future, Amazon Go stores would further limit their selection of fresh produce, focusing on a selection of freshly prepared ready-to-eat foods. This initiative is supposed to entice people to grab a bite to eat for lunch, Bloomberg's source comparing the direction to chains like Ready To Eat.

As Bloomberg points out, this store change would come into direct competition with convenience stores like 7-Eleven, fast food restaurants like Subway and Panera, and small businesses like moms and food trucks.

Amazon hopes to open ten more Amazon Go sites by the end of the year, according to Bloomberg. No word on the exact locations for these dozens of stores. However, Amazon has already talked about expanding stores to "major metropolitan areas" like New York and San Francisco. Amazon would seek to target "dense urban areas with lots of young, wealthy and busy residents" with their new Amazon Go stores. So, every millennium motivated by money and career, would you stand up?

In this demographic perspective, the expansion of Amazon Go stores may not be as threatening to most convenience stores. Of course, some people still consider it a threat. Namely, the vice president of the National Convenience Association Jeff Lenard. Lenard said Bloomberg"Amazon Go already has no line. The key to success will be practical locations. If the distance to be covered is 500 meters, the novelty of the technology does not matter. It is too far.

Only the time and buying habits of hungry, busy, and perhaps a little introverted consumers will tell.

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