According to rumors, Eli Manning of the Giants: "It's hard to imagine being with another organization"


One Eli is gone, two remain.

With all due respect to Eli Penny's back, all eyes are on each other.

The Giants' decision to trade cornerback Eli Apple has announced a reconstruction and fanned the fires of the future of quarterback Eli Manning, 37, who is not with the Giants. Manning has already been linked to commercial rumors with the Jaguars, who apparently would not be interested in a quarter.

The deadline for exchanges is October 30th. Coach Pat Shurmur was asked if he could do it. finally Manning will be the quarterback of the Giants after the deadline.

"Yes," said Shurmur. "I think Eli will be our quarterback, he has been and he will continue to be here, I do not know how it works in the Apple Eli trade."

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Shurmur insisted that the Giants (1-6) are still trying to win. Although no one accuses them of trying to lose, the actions are more eloquent than the words and it is clear that the orientation is moving towards the future.

"I did not think of a commercial scenario," Manning told Mike Francesa on WFAN. "This organization is the only team I have played for and the only thing I know of.I like the Giants of New York.It's hard to imagine being with another organization."

Manning will have the last word because he has a no-trade clause in his contract. He is under contract in 2019, but he could be released to save $ 17 million on a $ 23 million cap. This is not an option in 2018.

Brett Favre and Eli's older brother, Peyton Manning – two of the best quarterbacks in the history of the NFL – had to change the team late in their career. Manning, in his 15th season and in the top 10 in most career NFL heats, wants to finish his career with the Giants?

"For now, it's the state of mind," Manning said. "I have not thought about (a profession)." My goal is to get a win for the Giants and get ready for the next game and see if we can change things and give us an opportunity . "

Manning has only three games over .500 in his career after not having broken his record of the first eight seasons of his career as a full-time starter. Since then, he is 34-52 as a starter and his series of 210 consecutive starts has ended.

"You try to understand what's different," Manning said. "It has not been that difficult in some of those years, you know it's hard, you've always had some tough games, you seem to suddenly have this game where this guy is open or the defense was setbacks to take the lead and run late in the fourth quarter.

"You're like:" How did we get there? How can we get back to that? It's funny how it can just change. "

You can contact Ryan Dunleavy at the following address: [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @rydunleavy. Find our coverage of giants on Facebook.

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