According to scientists, dogs are not as smart as they think and certainly not brighter than goats and pigeons


reBritta Osthaus, of the Canterbury Christ Church University, said that dog knowledge "does not seem exceptional" compared to other domestic animals, social hunters and carnivores.

"We do not do dogs a favor, hoping too much.

"Dogs are dogs and we need to consider their needs and their real abilities to determine how we treat them," said Dr. Osthaus.

Goats, pigs, dolphins, seals and sea lions do at least as well as dogs on human robbery.

Pigs are also able to identify humans by their smell, while sheep, pigeons and chimpanzees can identify humans by their faces.

Cats do at least as good as dogs to identify humans by their voice.

Donkeys, mules and horses are as capable of getting around obstacles as dogs, while wolves, raccoons and hyenas can pull a string to release food.

Dolphins, chimpanzees, giant pandas, badgers from America, two species of bears and sea otters can use tools at least as well as dogs.

Unlike dogs, animals like pigs, pigeons and chimpanzees have the ability to remember what, where and when of an event.

The research is published in the journal Learning & Behavior.

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