According to studies, eating more fish or taking omega-3 fish oil supplements may reduce the risk of heart attack


(CBS NEWS / HEALTHDAY) Eating more fish or taking a fish oil supplement can reduce the risk of heart attack, according to two clinical trials conducted at Harvard.

Both studies found that omega-3 fatty acids had heart benefits in both healthy people and those with conditions that put them at increased risk for heart attack, stroke stroke or heart disease.

The test on Vitamin D and Omega-3 (VITAL) revealed that healthy people who took a fish oil supplement had fewer heart attacks, especially if they were black or not did not eat fish regularly.

At the same time, a purified form of omega-3 fatty acid has reduced the risk of death from heart disease, heart attack, or stroke in people with hardened arteries or other cardiac risk factors, according to findings from the study. reducing cardiovascular events with Icosapent Ethyl REDUCE IT).

Both studies provide convincing evidence that omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon, sardines or tuna can have a beneficial effect on heart health, said Dr. JoAnn Manson, Chief of Preventive Medicine. at the Brigham and Women's Boston Hospital. researcher for the VITAL trial.

"We do not recommend everyone in the world to start taking fish oil supplements." With respect to omega-3s, the best thing to do is to try to "get it right." have more dietary fish, "said Manson. "If people do not eat fish, taking a fish oil supplement may have some benefits, and we recommend that they discuss this with their health care provider."

The results of the two clinical trials were to be presented Saturday at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association, in Chicago, and published simultaneously New England Journal of Medicine.

For the VITAL trial, nearly 26,000 men and women 50 years and over from the United States were randomly assigned to take 1 gram of fish oil or 2,000 international units of vitamin D per day, or placebo . Participants did not have a history of heart problems.

The researchers found that fish oil supplements reduced the risk of heart attack by 28% over a five-year follow-up period, but did not affect the risk of stroke or cancer. A person.

"The lower risk of heart attack has been seen especially among those who consume little fish," said Manson. "This group had a 19% reduction in all major cardiovascular events, in addition to a 40% reduction in heart attacks."

VITAL also found that fish oil supplements had an overwhelming advantage for black participants, whose risk of heart attack had been reduced by 77%.

"If this can be confirmed in a follow-up study, this could indicate a very promising approach to reducing a health disparity," said Manson. Blacks tend to have a higher risk of heart disease than whites and other racial groups.

The clinical trial has shown no benefit of vitamin D for heart health, although it has reduced the risk of cancer deaths by 25%.

Dr. Satjit Bhusri is a cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. "This is a very important and impressive trial, its results will have a lasting impact on the prevention of heart disease," said Bhusri, who did not participate in the studies. "A reduction in heart attacks so profound has not been seen since primary prevention since the first trials of aspirin treatment."

As part of the REDUCE – IT trial, another research team from Brigham Hospital and Women 's Hospital tested the benefits of a pure and stable form of l & # 39; Omega-3 fatty acid, known as EPA.

The supplement, icosapent ethyl, is a prescription drug approved to lower triglyceride levels in people with high cholesterol.

REDUCE-IT has included more than 8,000 patients taking statins to lower cholesterol and prevent a first heart attack or stroke. In the study, about 7 out of 10 patients had hardened arteries, while the others had diabetes and at least one other cardiac risk factor.

People taking icosapent ethyl experienced a 20% reduction in their risk of heart-related death, 31% of heart attack and 28% of stroke, compared to those receiving placebo, discovered researchers.

"The REDUCE-IT trial sets a new standard of care for patients with high triglyceride levels and increased cardiovascular risk despite statin therapy," said Dr. Deepak Bhatt, Cardiovascular Program Director. Interventional Brigham Hospital and Women's Hospital Press Release. "It's perhaps the greatest development in cardiovascular prevention since statins."

According to Manson, omega-3 fatty acids could improve heart health in many ways. They are known to lower triglyceride levels, reduce inflammation, decrease blood clotting and help stabilize heart rate.

People interested in taking fish oil supplements should discuss it first with their doctor, said Dr. Helene Glassberg, Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Clinic Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Penn Medicine. . She was not involved in the studies.

"It has an anticoagulant effect, so if you are taking blood thinners, it may not be for you," Glassberg said.

Glassberg and Manson agree that the best first step would be to increase the number of fish in your diet. Eating at least two servings a week would be fine, Manson said.

For someone who is in good health but is looking to prevent heart disease, "lifestyle remains at the top of the list," Glassberg said. "Make it possible in your diet, from omega-3 fatty fish such as salmon or sardines.This is the right place to start because they are natural.It is the best way to consume it without spending 30 $ per bottle of health food store. "

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