According to the CDC, a polio-like illness is disconcerting. These doctors do not agree


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By Maggie Fox

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say they do not know what causes a sudden increase in cases of scary, polio-like illness that leaves children paralyzed or weakened.

Suspect # 1 was a virus called Enterovirus D68 or EV-D68. In 2014, a wave of cases of acute flaccid myelitis coincided with epidemics of EV-D68 across the country.

But the CDC says that it has not consistently found the EV-D68 in cases confirmed since then. Officials say they are studying a range of possible causes.

However, doctors who have studied children with acute flaccid myelitis say they have gathered a growing body of evidence showing that EV-D68 is the leading cause and that the virus may have changed in recent years so to make the side effects paralyzing. more likely.

They documented an increase in the number of EV-D68 cases surrounding outbreaks of acute flaccid myelitis. Experiments have also shown that EV-D68 can invade nerve tissue, including the spine, and there is also evidence of genetic changes in the virus itself.

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