According to the director of the CDC, the Ebola outbreak in Congo could be out of control


(HealthDay) – It may not be possible to control the Ebola epidemic in Congo and the deadly disease could become embedded in the north-east of the country, said Robert Redfield, director from the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The epidemic in North Kivu province is in its fourth month and nearly 300 cases, including 186 deaths, have been reported. Washington Post reported.

The Ebola virus was first identified in 1976. No previous epidemic had caused the persistent presence of the disease.

If this happens in North Kivu, "it will mean that we will no longer have the opportunity to regain contacts, stop the transmission chains and contain the epidemic," said Tom Inglesby, MD, director of the Center for Safety, Johns Hopkins. To post reported. The center hosted the Capital Hill Briefing, which included the Ebola discussion with Redfield.

Explore further:
Democratic Republic of the Congo: the number of Ebola deaths rises to 170

More information:
Washington Post article

More information: CDC

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