According to the study, breastfeeding is better for baby weight, BMI than pumping


According to a Canadian study published Monday in the journal Pediatrics, the benefits of direct breastfeeding included slower weight gain and lower BMI scores at three months.

Yet even breast milk was higher than none, according to previous research.

"Pumping moms do a lot of work to do it, and I do not want them to feel it's not worth it, but it raises the question of whether pumped milk is not the same, why this? And what should we do to help mothers breastfeed better if that's what they want to do? "said the author of the study, Meghan Azad, researcher at the Research Institute of the Children's Hospital of Manitoba.

Of the 2,500 infants in the Canadian Longitudinal Developmental Study of Healthy Infants, those with the lowest BMI scores at 12 months were those who had been breastfed unprepared and who had started breastfeeding. eat other foods for about 5 to 6 months. (The researchers did not distinguish how infants were fed breast milk beyond the results at 3 months.)

The researchers say that this could have an impact on the risk of overweight in children or development of obesity. The new study found that stopping breastfeeding before 6 months was associated with faster weight gain, a body mass index greater than 12 months and a risk of overweight three times greater than that of exclusive breastfeeding.

"Other data have shown very well that if you have a high BMI at the beginning of your life, it will lead to childhood obesity and then adolescent onset later in life," said Lars Bode. Director of the Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation. Milk-Infant Center of Excellence Research at the University of California at San Diego.

The mechanism explaining why breastfeeding might be greater than pumping is not yet clear if a causal link to BMI can be found. Something may happen to the components of breast milk when it is refrigerated, frozen or thawed. Maybe the act of breastfeeding allows babies to better control how much they consume. (The data from the study did not test breast milk nor measured the amount consumed.)

Nevertheless, researchers say the study reinforces the benefits of breast milk and sends a message to policy makers regarding parental leave and breastfeeding support.

The WHO resolution on breastfeeding in the debate

In the United States, "many mothers have to go back to work after a few weeks, so if they want to continue to provide breast milk, they have to pump it," Azad said.

"The United States is an exclusive group of 3 countries that offer no paid maternity leave," wrote Dr. Alison Volpe Holmes, associate professor of pediatrics at the Geisel School of Medicine in Dartmouth .
"This, coupled with US opposition to breastfeeding measures at the 2018 World Health Assembly, does not bode well for mothers and children. American infants who are trying to reap all the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding ".

"Every food counts"

The Azad study revealed that the more you breastfeed, the stronger the connection with these benefits, even if certain formulas are involved. She said that there was a positive message for mothers, who might not all be able to breastfeed exclusively: this is not all or nothing.

"Any amount is better than nothing.The more you can do, the better it is," Azad said. "Every food counts."

In the study, only 18% of infants were breastfed exclusively after 6 months, and 55% of those who were fed only breast milk received at least one bottle-feeding portion.

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age and continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods for up to two years or more.
According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are many other good reasons to breastfeed: a lower risk of certain infections, type 2 diabetes and asthma, for just to name a few.

Breastfeeding "is still much more powerful than breastfeeding," he says. "I think this message is often overlooked."

Azad said that pumping may not have been a choice for all moms and that the way forward is not to put all the pressure on mothers to breastfeed.

"This is not how we will progress," she said. "This makes it a bigger problem for society – it's about providing support, whether it's at the family, community or policy level."

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