According to the study, Idaho is the sixth happiest state in America


If you live in Idaho, you are probably happy to be here.

After all, Boise is consistently considered one of the best places to live in the United States.

Here is another reason to smile. Idaho is the sixth happiest state in America, according to a new study on the "happiest states of America in 2018" from the Personal Finance WalletHub website.

Focusing on topics such as "Physical and Emotional Well-being," "Work Environment," and "Community and Environment," WalletHub measured 31 metrics before compiling its results.

The happiest state of the nation? Hawaii. (No shock there, no?)

The most unfortunate? West Virginia. (It's not a bomb either, according to previous studies.)

Staying 6th is an exceptionally happy result. Here's how Idaho finished in multiple metrics:

  • 11e – percentage of depressed adults
  • 6e – adequate sleep rate
  • tene – Long-term unemployment rate
  • 11e – Number of working hours
  • 13e – Volunteer rate
  • 14e – Rate of separation and divorce
  • 27e – Security

So, getting a lot of quality shuteye is one of the reasons we are so happy here in Idaho? Work for me.

Not everyone in Idaho can be happy, is not it? I mean, come on. Boise Mayor Dave Bieter must be furious that Nampa continues to be named "No. 1 Best Run City in America by WalletHub.

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