Actress Carole Cook jokes about an assassination


Carole Cook, the 94-year-old actress with a long career on stage and at the screen, made a joke late Sunday suggesting the assassination of President Trump to an interviewer of TMZ: "Where is John Wilkes Booth when you need him? "

TMZ was asking Ms. Cook for a recent performance of the Broadway musical "Frozen", when a member of the public was trying to disrupt the show by waving a banner of support to the president. Timothy Hughes, who plays sage Pabbie in the musical, immediately grabbed the banner and set it aside.

Cook, who was interviewed outside a restaurant in Los Angeles, told TMZ that she had not heard of the incident and then commented on Abraham Lincoln's murderer.

Her husband, Tom Troupe, also a veteran actor, stood next to her. Mr. Troupe said, "He killed the presidents," to which Ms. Cook immediately replied, "Do not say that, they will get me for that, they will not see – no, where is it when you have need him?

He was then asked, "So we must kill President Trump?" Said Mr. Troupe laughing. Ms. Cook said, "Why not?"

The secret services usually investigate threats against the president, even if they are indirect, and Mason Brayman, a spokesman for the agency, said on Monday: "The secret services are aware of the commentary" .

"Although we do not confirm or do not start the absence or the existence of specific investigations, we can say that we are investigating all threats against the president," he said. .

Last year, comedian Kathy Griffin was after being photographed holding a mask that resembled Mr. Trump's severed head.

Eminem, on his last album, "Kamikaze", released last month, said that the secret service had visited him after his appearance at the BET Awards 2017, when he had interpreted a song criticizing the president.

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