Adam Putnam, Ron DeSantis entangled in a mainly non-Florida debate


KISSIMMEE – Leading Republican candidates for governorship clashed at Fox News debate Thursday night, though many important issues for Florida failed

Adam Putnam and Ron DeSantis Most of Among them remained stuck to their campaign themes in front of a crowd often raucous at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Kissimmee, DeSantis repeatedly mentioning its endorsement by President Donald Trump and Putnam accusing DeSantis of leading his campaign to the television from Washington. The Florida governor is also a prize, but you must be there to win, "said Putnam, who touted his" Florida First "campaign focused on state issues such as the economy. [19659002] DeSantis, R-Palm Coast, "Conservative in principle and proven" in the race and warned against letting "insiders in Tallahassee choose the next candidate."

Much of the debate, however, -sponsored by and shown on Fox News, she has focused on issues of interest to a national audience such as the US Supreme Court's next justice and "civility" in politics.Education, one of the major issues of the governor's race, was mentioned only by passing during closing remarks.

DeSantis also did not have much time for talk about health care, while Putnam announced that it would be in favor of people from Body on Medicaid being forced to work, as other states have decided to do.

The candidates accused themselves of being soft on illegal immigration. DeSantis pointed to Putnam's vote in Congress against the E-Verify system used by the federal government that allows businesses to check immigration status.

"Major donors who fund his campaign want cheap labor," said DeSantis.

Putnam cited the failure of recent Republican immigration bills, including only one this week.

"Washington should do its job," he said. "Florida businesses must have a stable, legal work force without citizenship."

On the gun control issue, the two describe themselves as strong supporters of the second amendment, Putnam alluding to the Publix campaign, one of its biggest contributors

"Do not intimidate and coerce Florida businesses and Florida brands."

DeSantis requested the dismissal of Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and FBI agents. about the Parkland shooter, who killed 17 and wounded 17 others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High on February 14th.

But he also attacked Putnam for the lapse of one year on the background checks for concealed weapons.

As a leader, because he covered it [and] he was discovered by the media, "said DeSantis. "I believe in transparent leadership … I have to be honest with voters and not hide it."

Putnam stated that he held the employee accountable for his actions.

"The real problem is that there are people on the" John G. wants to put the recreational legalization of marijuana on the ballot "class =" trb_em_ic_img "title =" John Morgan, who wants to remove his weapons, "he said, also outlining the recommendations received from 45 Florida sheriffs, wants to put the recreational marijuana certification on the ballot" data-c-nd = "1023×575 "/>

The candidates were in agreement, including both calling for a" constitutional "justice of the Supreme Court without openly calling Roe v. Wade's decision that legalized the abortion to be reversed.

But in their praise of Trump, both have tried to outdo each other.

The two dodged questions about whether Trump played a role in increasing incivility. Trump "has al most of the media against him, false news day after day …. He is attacked as no president has faced, and he is standing."

Putnam said that President Barack Obama said things that "undermined the application of the law," but he did not elaborate, and "this method of incivility did not start with President Trump."

Putnam, who also denied that he called Trump "vile" and "obscene" following the release of the Access Hollywood tape in 2016, said: "I look forward to campaigning with him as governor of Florida "in 2020.

" It would be [Putnam’s] the first time campaigning with him, "replied DeSantis. During the 2016 campaign, "you could not find Adam Putnam if you had a search warrant."

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