Addison Russell on leave after the ex-wife accuses Chicago Cub of Abuse


Addison Russell, a Chicago Cubs player, was put off Friday after his ex-wife claimed to have abused her physically and emotionally.

Melisa Reidy-Russell has published a blog post detailing allegations of abuse against her ex-husband. The couple had been married for two years.

She wrote:

"The first time my wife mistreated me, I was in shock." I could not understand what had just happened … Why was he so angry? what did I do for him to put my hands on? " "Of course I forgave him and assumed that it would not happen again." I just thought that he had let his emotions take over him, he loves me and he's sorry. I was deeply hurt that he could even be capable of this behavior towards me, I did not understand how the man with whom I was so in love, my child 's FATHER, l? man that I married a few months ago, could show such aggression towards me … "

Major League Baseball (MLB), which had opened an investigation last summer as part of a previous allegation by a friend of Reidy-Russell, quickly responded by putting Russell on leave.

"With the new details revealed in today's blog by Ms. Russell, Mr. Russell has been placed on administrative leave in accordance with the MLB-MLBPA Joint Domestic Violence Policy," said the league in a statement. new information will allow us to complete the investigation as quickly as possible. "

addisson russell Chicago Cub Addison Russell, June 17. Russell was put on leave Friday amid allegations of abuse committed by his ex-wife. Jeff Curry / Getty Images

Russell, 24, denied the allegations of abuse. He played with the Cubs for four seasons.

In her Friday post, Reidy-Russell alleged that the abuses of her ex-husband had given her panic attacks and broken her mind.

"The way I was treated and the way it made me feel, even tore me up," she wrote. "I was so proud not to be afraid anymore, I was free to make my own choices and I was free to live for ME-I, I was resuming my life."

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