New statistics show that the rate of obesity has officially exceeded 35% in 7 states. Natasha Abellard of Buzz60 has history.

According to a new report, seven states have adult obesity rates above 35 percent, while other states have seen their rates rise rapidly.

according to The report on the state of obesity 2018, no state has shown significant statistical improvement in their obesity rates from a year ago. Only two states – Hawaii and Colorado – and the District of Columbia have obesity rates below 25%.

Seven states – Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and West Virginia – had adult obesity rates above 35%. West Virginia recorded the highest rate with just over 38%.

The report published by the non-profit organizations Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation also found that 22 states had obesity rates between 30 and 35 percent, while another 19 states had rates of between 25 and 35 percent. and 30%.

"Obesity is a complex and often intractable problem and the obesity epidemic in the United States continues to have serious health and cost implications for individuals, their families and our nation," said John Auerbach , President of Trust for America's Health.

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Several studies have shown that obesity is associated with multiple diseases, ranging from hypertension and diabetes to cancer. In May, a report from the Global Fund for Cancer Research linked 12 types of cancers, including breast cancer and colorectal cancer, and overweight.

It's also expensive. According to the report, obesity annually costs about $ 149 billion in directly related health expenditures and an additional $ 66 billion annually in economic productivity.

The study also found that obesity rates were highest among Black and Latino communities, as well as in rural and low-income communities, due to a lack of healthy food choices.

Auerbach said that there are evidence prevention programs that can help reduce obesity rates, but they require implementation nationwide.

The report includes 40 recommendations for policy makers, including support and enlargement programs to combat obesity and offering more options for healthy food for Low income where access to better nutrition is limited.

Follow Brett Molina on Twitter: @ brettmolina23

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