Afghanistan: Pompeo pushes for peace talks with the Taliban


During a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Monday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged peace talks with the Taliban, indicating that the Trump administration would be ready to take part in Discussions conducted by the Afghan Government

The capital Kabul, its first since it became Secretary of State, arrives at the end of a weeklong trip that began in North Korea and Vietnam and is expected to end in Brussels with NATO talks from 10 to 12 July. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Director General Abdullah Abdullah, Pompeo, have described the Trump administration's approach to the 17-year war in Afghanistan as "successful"

"I came here today" 39 to learn the progress we had made "at a press conference after his meeting. "My conclusion from this visit is that the President's strategy is working well.Our strategy for South Asia has sent a clear message to Afghans and their security services: we will support them as they continue to to fight to defend their country and their people. "

Last year, Donald Trump overturned plans to strengthen troops in Afghanistan, who have been present since the 2001 invasion following the bombings September 11.

According to a BBC inquiry in January, insurgents are openly active in 70 percent of the country, with attacks reportedly increasing in recent months with near-daily attacks on security forces.

Yet at Monday's press conference, President Ghani postponed the parliamentary elections until later this year – a "game changer."

According to Pompeo, "The strategy sent a clear message." [196] 59002] "They can not wait for us," he said, "We are starting to see the results on the battlefield"

Pompeo told reporters, "The United States will support, facilitate and participate" in peace talks, but noted that the process would be "Afghan-led".

The Taliban, however, repeatedly rejected Ghani's calls for negotiation

Last month, Kabul extended a unilateral ceasefire to mark the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, hoping that the truce migrate. He encourages insurgents to join the dialogue. But the ceasefire was followed by a resumption of attacks after three days

Pompeo will visit the United Arab Emirates, where he will meet the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan

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