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Tina MacIntyre-Yee, @ tyee23

Twelve people in Monroe County died in September from a suspicion of opioid overdose, according to data collected by law enforcement agencies who responded to the scene.

Overdoses occurred in the city of Rochester and in 11 towns or villages, but the total number of deaths for the municipalities did not indicate.

the The Monroe County Sheriff's Office released a map showing the location of the fatal and non-fatal overdoses, but this was not posted on the website on Friday morning. A sheriff spokeswoman said the new card would be posted as soon as it was posted in the communications office.

The number of overdoses and deaths fluctuated during the year. The seven August deaths are the lowest ever recorded to date and occurred after the most abundant July, at 18 years. The 97 overdoses are the third largest this year, after 109 in July and 104 in May and June.

Narcan, the drug that can cure an overdose of opioids, has been used 81 times, the second total of the year.

In comparison, in September 2017, 89 cases of overdose and 24 deaths were recorded by law enforcement.

The data, analyzed by the Monroe Crime Analysis Center, is considered unofficial. The Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office compiles the official statistics, but their publication may take several months.

With regard to overdoses, the demographic data collected by the forces of order only provide age, sex, race or ethnicity. For September, the average age was 38, the oldest average age of this year, according to an analysis of data from Democrat and Chronic. The oldest person was 67 years old and the youngest was 20 years old.

Overdoses have occurred in the following communities:

  • Rochester, 76 years old.
  • Greece, 5.
  • Penfield, 3.
  • Clarkson, Henrietta, Irondequoit and Webster, 2 each.
  • Brockport, Fairport, Gates, Honeoye Falls and Ogden, 1 each.

Individuals may not be residents of the community in which they overdosed.

According to law enforcement, the county recorded 866 overdoses and 122 deaths. Of these, more than 500 have been in the city. Greece has had 53, Irondequoit 36 ​​and Gates 30. Mendon, Riga and Wheatland have not recorded any overdoses in 2018.

According to recently released data, Monroe County has an overdose death rate slightly higher than that of the state and the country.

The University of Chicago and the US Department of Agriculture's Rural Development Department released Thursday a national tool for community assessment of misuse of opioids, which analyzes data from each county.

The Monroe County profile uses data from 2012-2016, which is an old story from the perspective of law enforcement, public health officials, and advocates of recovery who are trying to solve the problem in Canada. real time.

During this period, the county recorded 491 drug-related deaths and an overdose mortality rate of 20 per 100,000 population. The rate for the state of New York was 18.7 and the rate for the nation was 17.7 at that time.

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More: Gates police turns old van into memorial moving for opioid deaths

More: They are crying. They are crying. The nightmare of losing a loved one because of an OD brings them together

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