After a joke about sharing a cell between Hillary and Beto, Cruz denounces overheated rhetoric and bombs to mail | 2018 Elections


This is a story in development and will be updated.

On Tuesday, Senator Ted Cruz jokingly said that his opponent, Beto's representative O 'Rourke, could share a prison cell with Hillary Clinton and speak dark of Democrat mobs.

A day later, federal authorities said they found seven mail bombs sent to the former secretary of state and others, including former president Barack Obama and his attorney general , Eric Holder, the billionaire and Democratic donor George Soros, and CNN – a network that has shot songs from "CNN is Nil!" at Cruz's big rally with President Donald Trump on Monday night.

Cruz denounced Wednesday in Dallas overheated rhetoric and political violence of any nature whatsoever – and mainly accused the left of having poisoned the civic speech of the nation.

"Violence is bad, no matter where it is in the political spectrum.It is a deeply polarized and divided period.This division, this anger is not good for our country, and i hope everyone can just – calm down a bit, "he said after a rally at the honky-tonk in Gilley, near downtown.

He rejected the idea that he or Trump shares the responsibility of arousing passions.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump regularly called for Clinton to be imprisoned for alleged mismanagement of confidential e-mails, and he still encourages the songs of "Lock her up!" at gatherings.

"Let's be clear," said Cruz. "The anger and rage we saw on the far left was deliberately provoked and fueled by Democratic politicians, when Maxine Waters and Corey Booker tell the crowd to be harassed, scream, scream, confront people "It's not productive." Unfortunately, when Hillary Clinton says we can be civil once the Democrats win the election, it's not productive either. "

He called the bombings "terrorist acts" and said the bomber should "be put in jail for a very, very long time".

"Whether it's an attempt at bombing or the mad shooter that targeted Republican members of Congress and almost killed Steve Scalise, the violence is reprehensible whatever it is." the political context. "

These comments came after a critical speech in which Cruz said that it was up to Texas voters to choose between the path of prosperity, "or if we give in to screaming rage, anger , to the bitterness and hatred that divide our country. "

The White House has dismissed the possibility that attacks on liberal politicians and the information network Trump likes to criticize are inspired by his harsh rhetoric, describing Democrats as "perverse" and journalists as "the only way to go about it." enemy of the people ".

About 120 people came to see Cruz at Gilley's, away from the 16,000 at the Toyota Center in Houston on Monday night for the rally with Trump.

"I've been a little disappointed," said Michelle McBride, 51, an administrative assistant. "But it's in the morning, in the middle of the week – it's hard for people because everyone has a job."

Roger Schlegel, a 73-year-old retired teacher, said, "I do not know what the size of the crowd means, but he was energized, we love what Ted Cruz represents."

The sentence on the prison concerning O. Rourke came during a campaign stop in Georgetown.

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