After "Avengers 4", which films will Marvel release?


While Phase 4 is still secret, who knows what Marvel Studios is working on for 2020 and beyond?

For years, Marvel Studios fans knew what to expect, at least in terms of upcoming movies. all of Captain America: Civil War through Avengers 4 was announced in October 2014, with the exception of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

But now, Marvel Studios has managed to refocus its attention on the immediate future as it prepares for the publication of the follow-up of Avengers: Infinity War.

It's not just that the public is excited about Captain Marvel and Avengers 4; it's that the studio has remained remarkably unobtrusive about what constitutes its next list beyond. So what Is Does the Marvel film universe look like going forward?

One of the defining characteristics of slate will be this is not Above: Chris Evans is moving away from his superhero alter ego after the Avengers' fourth movie, there will be no new episode of Captain America, unless somebody else is there. another dresses the costume – something that does not go out of the realm of possibility, especially when two replacements of Steve Rogers comics are already present in the movies. There does not seem to be any plans for a fourth Thor film with Chris Hemsworth, but seems more willing to continue with the role than Evans. (Technically, Jane Foster – who replaced the Thor comics from 2014 until the beginning of the year – is also present in the MCU, but since Natalie Portman is absent from Marvel since 2013 Thor: The World of Darknessthis change in identity seems a little less likely.)

Assuming that Thor and Captain America are not on the table, at least temporarily, the studio will be in a loss for its big names in the coming years, especially since Robert Downey Jr. has had an appearance solo in Iron Man since 2013. and Guardians of the Galaxy it's failed as a result of returning the author / director James Gunn. Depending on the climax of Avengers 4, it's not impossible that the series also stop – even if you have to remember that The new Avengers for more than a decade, Marvel was a hit in the comics business – leaving the private company with everything that would make its debut before 2015 The ant man as a business in activity.

This may not be a problem, given the performance of last year. Spider-Man: Homecoming and this year Black Panther, of course; Both films already have sequels in the film, with Ryan Coogler who has signed to write and direct it. Moreover, it is almost guaranteed that the work of the next years will be a continuation of 2016 Strange doctor, this year Ant and the waspand next year Captain Marvel, although the third outing of Brie Larson as Carol Danvers (after wonder and Avengers 4) will probably be further in terms of planning, if only to let it breathe between the shoots.

In terms of non-sequelae, both Black Widow – to be done by Cate Shortland – and The eternals, with Chloe Zhao attached as a director, are in preparation. But even if both projects arrive on screen, this projected slate looks surprisingly thin; with three Marvel films released each year, this programming would only take the studio until 2021.

There will of course be surprises in the works. Hulk could he finally have his own independent film after Avengers 4? What about derivative films for supporting characters like the Falcon or the Winter Soldier, if the Captain America series is indeed over, or something even more improbable? (finallywe could get the Howard the duck project we all waited breathless since the post-credit scene in 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy.)

The most obvious surprise – a surprise so obvious that almost everyone anticipates it – is the probable addition of the Fantastic Four and X-Men properties to the Marvel Cinematic universe thanks to Disney's takeover of Fox. Such an initiative, if it occurs, will delight long-time comic book lovers and will offer filmmakers the problem of knowing how to insert the characters who launched the Marvel Universe comics as we know them, and a part of the story. humanity never mentioned before. world seamlessly. It would also repopulate the Marvel Studios character base and free the slate without having to resort to Kickers, Inc. or United States 1.

The potential of a reunification of Fox properties and Marvel Studios properties could it be the reason why Marvel was so confused about its cinematographic future, or is it simply a willingness to keep secret everything related to the aftermath of the Infinity Wars? We'll probably know more in a few months, but until then, let's keep our fingers crossed: someone, somewhere, hopes to make a movie with Jeff Goldblum Grandmaster and does not want to spoil the surprise.

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