After Internet Mockery, Permit Patty Resigns as CEO of Cannabis-Products Company


The woman who threatened to call police on an African-American girl selling water on a San Francisco sidewalk – and who was quipped online under the name of "Permit Patty" – resigned from his position as CEO of TreatWell Health.

A spokeswoman for the company, which sells medical products infused with cannabis, said that "this decision, although not easy, is in the best interest of [the company’s] the patients."

Alison Ettel was filmed in front of an 8-year-old girl selling water to passers-by near AT & T Park. The video quickly became viral and triggered a wider conversation about black people being censored for seemingly innocuous acts . Ettel says that she is sorry and that the incident has nothing to do with the race.

"I called the police, but not anyone"

Ettel told CNN that she was trying to set a deadline on the day of the incident, and she was angry at what she described as constant shouts of bottles of Water for sale in front of his window.

"I was working at home, I was on extreme deadlines," said Ettel to Dan Simon of CNN. "At the time, there was someone who was constantly shouting out. It lasted a few hours. I could not concentrate at all. "

Ettel said the screams were louder than the noise levels she regularly hears in the occupied area.

"I used to hear a lot of noise, but not … screaming and screaming continuously, it was completely repetitive, every second," she said. .

Ettel insists that she only called 911 after the woman and her daughter refused to leave, and said that she only called to ask if the sale of water without a license was legal.

"I called the police, but no one," said Ettel. "I said I would like to talk with someone about whether something is legal or not." I said I was not reporting, and I'm not asking for a dispatch. just information. "I asked, is this legal? She said no."

A salesman's license is required in San Francisco if someone plans to sell something for a temporary period or something that would be subject to sales tax in a store, according to the city's business portal .

"I think she's a brute"

But Erin Austin, the 8-year-old mother of Jordan Rodgers, who sold bottles of water the day in question, says that's not what happened.

"She went out and walked straight to my daughter and asked to see the permit," Austin told CNN. "She's not a noisy child.She does not scream.The men on the street who sell parking cards are stronger than her."

Austin says that she does not believe that Ettel had a noise problem.

"I think she's a bully," Austin said. "Just the fact that she called the police on a child, it's diabolical, but to appeal to a child of color, knowing that people have killed black children." do not worry about my child's life. "

A meme is born

The viral clip only lasts 15 seconds. It started with Ettel standing on the sidewalk with his phone to his ear.

"This woman does not want to let a little girl sell water," says the woman who is filming the video, which has more than 7 million views on Twitter alone. "She's calling the police on an 8-year-old girl, you can hide whatever you want, the whole world is going to see you, Boo.

While she's talking on her mobile phone, Ettel is hiding behind a wall. The filming woman approaches her.

"Yeah, uh, illegally selling water without a license?" Said Ettel in his phone.

The filming woman intervenes, "On my property".

"This is not your property," says Ettel.

"So my little cousin was selling water and had no license, so this lady decided to call the cops on an 8-year-old kid," says the caption on the Twitter video, ending with the #PermitPatty hashtag. The hashtag – and the related memes – have spread widely online.

The results

Ettel says she, her former company, and even her clients were harassed as a result of the incident.

"It has tarnished my name, but also the name of the company," said Ettel. "They are actually going out there and bullying people, and telling people to pull our products off the shelf and boycott, even if they're not even customers there. . "

Ettel, however, offered an apology to Austin and his daughter.

"For the child, I am so sorry that you even have it," she said. "I would never want to crush the business spirit of anyone … I would like to say that I am sorry for the mother in the way that I actually interacted with her, because I know that I climbed it, too. "

Austin says that she and her daughter want to miss out on the incident, but she does not believe that Ettel's apologies are sincere.

"If that was sincere, then we would have had it over the weekend while we were still out of the water business," Austin said. "If she was really sorry, she would have said that she was sorry before all the negative things started to happen to her."

& # 39; BBQing all in black & # 39;

The #PermitPatty Clash is the latest in a series of widely publicized episodes in the Bay Area, in which whites have called the police about blacks doing mundane things.

In one incident, a white woman in Oakland became known as "Becky BBQ" on social media after calling the police on black people who were barbecuing in an area of ​​a park where it was forbidden .

In another viral incident, a white man was nicknamed "Joe Jogger" after being filmed in Oakland throwing the affairs of a black homeless man.

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