After the cancellation of Luke Cage and Iron Fist, it's time for Marvel's Netflix universe to take another bold step


The pocket universe of Netflix's interconnected shows at Marvel has dropped considerably this month, but that could pave the way for very exciting growth.

Over the last three and a half years, Marvel Television has used the ambition and appeal of the Marvel Film Universe to create a totally different small-screen antenna with the streaming giant Netflix, launching a world of heroes of the world. street with Daredevil of Marvel in 2015, it has since evolved to include a cumulative total of 11 television seasons spread across six series. The shows generated a wide range of reactions from praise (Jessica Jones from Marvel Season 1) to perplexity (Marvel & # 39; s Iron Fist Season 1), but most Marvel fans seemed to agree that the small world that Marvel and Netflix had built together was worth watching, especially as the actors on each show became more and more attractive and that the potential each series has become more promising.

Then, earlier this month, Netflix dropped the ax Iron fist after two seasons. For some viewers, this was not really surprising. While Iron fist to his supporters (included?) and definitely created a support star in Jessica Henwick's Colleen Wing, she was widely perceived as the weakest of defenders universe harvesting shows.

Then things got more shocking on Friday when The Marvel Luke cage, a show that seemed to develop its potential in its second season after a very strong debut, was also canceled the same day Daredevil arrived on the streaming service for his third season. Just like that, two shows that many fans have considered relatively safe have disappeared in less than a month, and we all wonder what exactly Netflix does with its Marvel universe, even if we always finish our respective work. Daredevil binge and waiting for more news on Jessica Jones Season 3.

Let's start by solving the obvious problem: it could very easily be a commercial decision of which we do not yet know the ins and outs. We've known for a long time that Disney is preparing to launch its own consumer streaming service, which will include original programming from its two most profitable franchises: Marvel and Star wars. As far as we know, Disney simply ordered Marvel Television to displace the resources for live broadcasts reported for this service, or to fail to reach an agreement with Netflix to continue these two series while they could easily migrate some information. elements on their own platform. The details remain obscure and Netflix insists that he still controls all his Marvel shows for the moment, but it is very easy to imagine that such a scenario is the case.

That said, we do not know for the moment, so choose to think optimistically as fans of what Marvel and Netflix have built together.

Let's look at it in a narrative way. Iron fist and Luke Cage missing from the TV, but the characters are still alive and well in the Netflix world. Luke Cage has completed his second season with the main character who is essentially taking the benevolent control of Harlem as the new owner of Harlem's Paradise, and his ally Misty Knight is still very present, to such an extent that she has had a huge role to play. Iron fist Season 2. This very season of television, which just arrived last month, also brought about important changes in the power structure in New York, while Colleen Wing took back the power of Iron Fist and seemed quite ready to handle it positively. While Danny Rand embarks on an international quest to find a new direction of achievement. Oh, and Misty's passage on Iron fist? This was largely spent hanging out with Colleen while the two were working together to solve a mystery.

To say that there are a lot of new fertile threads at work in both series is a euphemism, and it would be very strange that Netflix would maintain its other Marvel series while simply hinting at the past, Unbreakable Hero of Harlem and the woman. with the shiny sword holding Chinatown in check and occasionally beating the bad guys with his best friend, the NYPD detective with a robot arm.

More importantly, other emissions should not to have ignore the loss of these stories and characters, because the smart thing to do now from the point of view of entertainment (again, keeping in mind that business interests may point elsewhere and that we can not do anything about it) is to support it. Luke Cage started his life as a show featuring a man who wanted to do good by trying to find his place in his city, but it is clear after season 2 that Luke took a clear direction and pushed forward with the kind of hero he wants to be. Iron fist We never discussed Danny Rand anyway, but even if you like this character, it's clear that he's moving in a different direction, just as Colleen Wing has adopted hers, and Misty Knight has regained his strength.

With all this in mind, we can lament the loss of these two series … or ask for two new series in their place: Heroes for rent and Girls of the dragon.

Imagine this: Danny Rand, having traveled the world to uncover the secrets of the obscure dealings that have fueled much of his season 2 story, returns to New York to find his former friend Luke Cage living in Harlem and in need of An extra helping hand. (or fist) in his fight. Now that he has such an important seat, people are coming out of the closet to ask for help and many of them are willing to pay. Danny, disillusioned by the state of the world and in need of stable friendships in his life, agrees to join forces and the Heroes for Hire settle in Harlem & # 39; s Paradise.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city, Colleen Wing adapts to life, protecting her territory and saving innocent people with the help of her iron-fisted katana, but she could also use it. It's hard to keep every angle in mind, especially when you do not necessarily have a naturally fit mind to prosecute criminals and their operations. So, she turns to one of her students and martial arts friends, who happens to be also connected to the NYPD, and suddenly, Colleen and Misty are on the street together, cracking jokes and blows. foot of ass.

This is a logistical point at this point, given the limited knowledge we have about the future potential of these characters, but imagine how it would be fun for Netflix to broadcast on singular heroes to embrace the global potential of this interconnected distribution, even more. This allows for much more interaction between the strongest characters, allows Luke to bring out the best of Danny and Misty in order to get the most out of Colleen, and creates even greater crossover potential that could be put forward without ever having to disturb continuity. of Daredevil unless the spectators wanted it.

Will it happen? Maybe not, but these characters do not deserve to die on the vine, and they do not deserve to be relegated to the rank of cameos at upcoming shows. Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Colleen Wing, Misty Knight and all of their players still have huge entertainment opportunities in the Netflix sandbox. All Netflix and Marvel have to do is let them play.

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