After the crisis of family separation, Trump returns to his proven tactics – hang rhetoric


His obvious conclusion is that, even though his radical populism has plunged him into trouble, only a more unfiltered dose of Trumpism will eventually prevail.

Trump pulled some of his most raw and authoritative tweets on immigration until Sunday and also launches his commercial warfare rhetoric to shore up the safe space where he always comes back when he has some trouble: the embrace of his political base.

"We can not allow all these people to invade our country," Trump wrote in a tweet that hit undocumented migrants Sunday.

"When someone enters, we must immediately, without judges or cases of justice, bring them back from where they came from. Our system is a travesty to good immigration policy and law and law. Order, "he wrote.

The president has also stepped up his attack on commercial-type immigration, a pillar of his 2016 election campaign – a few weeks before a trip to Europe that stands out as a clash with America's closest allies .

"The United States insists that all countries that have placed artificial barriers and tariffs on goods destined for their country, eliminate these barriers and tariffs or meet more than the reciprocity of the United States," he writes. . "Trade must be fair and no longer a one-way street!"

Trump's confidence in these key themes is significant because she shows her confidence in a method that has been hugely successful, but missed her last week.

Usually, when he is in trouble, Trump is able to stoke another outrage or tragedy to maintain the unbridled speed of a fairing political career that needs incessant controversy and anger for Make sure that no drama lasts long enough to derail it.

But despite the president's efforts, the Trump train has been stuck on the tracks for days.

Images of scared children and descriptions of broken families who tested the nation's self-image as a beacon of compassion thwarted the president's efforts to return to full bloom.

A week of questions, tears and pecks about the family separations of immigrants

There was an unusual dissent from loyalists in a Republican party that Trump completely changed and monopolized. His statement that he did not cause the problem and that it was the fault of the Democrats did not bite him. Her own attempt to bail herself out with an executive order ending separations only exacerbates the feeling of incompetence since the White House could not explain how it would reunite families.

The administration even gave up on explaining it. For four days in a row last week, there was no press briefing at the White House, which adds to the dismay.

At dawn of a new week, Trump will have to shake off the mess before doing more damage to his party before the mid-term elections in November and try to regain his dominance of the political narrative.

If his administration can finally control family separation, it is possible that the crisis disappears. However, Trump may not get much help from Congress since House Republicans are facing lengthy difficulties in their effort to pass a bill that includes the end of the law's separations, which would certainly be dead upon his arrival in the Senate.

If that is the case, it is possible that an autonomous measure on the issue may take on magnitude.

Indications over the weekend however were that the measures the administration is using to cope with the human toll of separations will provoke a new round of controversy.

CNN's Tal Kopan, citing an administration official, reported that immigrants in detention were offered the opportunity to sign voluntary eviction orders to be expelled from the country faster than they would. were waiting for a judge.

Separate parents have the possibility to be expelled voluntarily as part of the grouping of children

In the case of parents separated from their children, they are also told that if they sign the documents, they will be reunited – if they wish – before being expelled from the country.

Trump as a strong man

On the political front, the president typically chooses to attack.

His tweet about immigration was a classic maneuver of a populist leader with authoritarian instincts.

His use of the phrase "invade" was borrowed from the textbook of a strong man in which outside forces, often of a different ethnicity, are used by a leader to portray his nation as vulnerable to forces that want to change his character.

The tweet has triggered the immediate alarm of critics who are worried about the philosophical direction of Trump's political project.

"What President Trump has suggested here is both illegal and unconstitutional," said Omar Jadwat, director of the ACLU's Immigrant Rights Project.

Trump used a similar wording last week when he sought to exacerbate the political troubles of German Chancellor Angela Merkel as she faces a reaction against her refugee policy, which wrongly proves that the crime has increased in Germany.

"A big mistake has been made all over Europe allowing millions of people who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!" Trump tweeted on January 18th.

Trump tweets target Germany for the second time in 2 days

The media is often accused of overreacting to Trump's authoritative reflexes on Twitter. Yet, it is a president who has constantly sought to test the limits of his power. He lobbied the Department of Justice about the investigation of Special Advisor Robert Mueller. He publicly speculated on forgiving himself if the special advocate finds that he has transgressed. He cozied up dictators while slamming America's friends.

There are still many unanswered questions about how the separation crisis will shape Trump's long-term presidency.

On the one hand, the suffering of the children and the imagery that he sketched out seem to be a long-term task for the administration and history will remember him as the ### ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # One of the most emotional moments of his entire presidency.

It is possible that this may have been a turning point in bringing about changes in the American character by the Trump presidency and which could influence the moderate Republican voters and independents he needs to be re-elected.

Perhaps a new moral line has been traced in the sand about separations and the public's outrage could start compelling the president further on one of his signature problems.

As Republicans are already struggling to hold on to power in the House in November, pollsters will try to measure the impact of last week – especially in the suburbs and among the women who live there – in the electoral districts of New Brunswick. midterm.

Yet there is also the fact that spending a week at war with the media on immigration will only strengthen the bond between Trump and the loyal voters who placed him in the White House – the same group who must go out en masse to avoid a defeat GOP.

There is a strong argument that Trump better understands the instincts of his main constituents on immigration than other Republicans and the media – even though his actions are viewed by critics as a repeal of the moral values ​​upon which he stands. America is built.

But it is also the case that his broader political outlook can not afford another week as the last.

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