To prevent criminals from opening bank accounts, utilities and telephone accounts on your behalf, you need more than a credit freeze. Here's what to do

Amy Wang and her husband spent the first six months of 2016 trying to repair their credit after someone redirected his mail and stole tax forms containing sensitive information. Macy's credit card, Bloomingdale and Kmart was fraudulently opened in the name of Wang's husband.

The criminals also had access to the personal details of his three children, including social security numbers.

Now, Wang, an occupational therapist in Miami, fears that the identities of her teenagers are also in danger.

"It took so long to solve everything else that I do not want to look for other problems," said 49-year-old Wang. "But these guys can keep their information and use it at any time."

She has good reason to worry.

While children account for a small number of cases of identity theft – more than a million miners were victims last year on 16.7 million – the consequences are often much more serious. According to Javelin Research and Strategy, a research and consulting firm based in Pleasanton, California, child identity victims lose on average more and pay more money than adult victims.

But the worst aspect can be the emotional toll. Sixty percent of the child's identity victims know the abuser – usually a relative or friend of the family – making the resolution of their cases much more difficult. This is difficult because the victims may know and love the parent who stole their identity, and to start repairing a child's credit, one must produce a police report indicating the alleged offender .

Fortunately, parents and guardians can now freeze their children's credit for free, no doubt the strongest measures to prevent this agony. They can also help their older parents do it too.

As for Wang who froze the credit of his children? "I certainly do," she said.

Freezing your child's credit

Since Friday, all Americans can legally block their credit reports for free on Experian, Equifax and TransUnion, the three national credit bureaus. Previously, it cost US $ 3 to $ 10 per office to 23 states to freeze their credit file. A freeze prevents lenders from viewing a person's credit report – a key part of the credit card or loan approval process – essentially preventing fraudsters from opening a new account on behalf of your credit card. child or you.

The new federal law comes a little over a year after Equifax revealed a major data breach that exposed the personal information of 148 million Americans and urged lawmakers to rethink the security of the US. # 39; s identity.

Children generally do not have a credit report because they have no loan obligations, so fraudsters use their data to create a new credit profile. They establish a positive credit history, pay bills and use credit cards responsibly until they are eligible for larger lines of credit or loans that they do not have. Do not have the intention to pay back.

"They make a" stop "once they have access to a large amount of credit," said Eva Velasquez, president and CEO of ID Theft Center. "They do not pay, and then leave, leaving a 10-year-old with this terrible credit profile that does not belong to them."

The loss is also often more important because the fraud has lasted longer because the parents have no idea that the credit card or loan has been taken out and a credit report created on behalf of their child.

A freeze helps prevent fraudsters from manipulating a child's credit history by denying access. Before the new federal law, not all parents could freeze their child's credit, depending on the state's laws. The process is unfortunately heavier than freezing your own credit, which can be done online.

For children under 16, parents or guardians must mail their requests for a credit freeze. You can find instructions for credit union websites:



You must also send supporting documents to verify your identity and that of your child and that you are the legal guardian of your child. This may include copies of: ·

  • Proxy.
  • Documentation of placement in foster family.
  • Your social security card and that of your child.
  • Your child's birth certificate or other government document indicating parentage.
  • Your driver's license or your identity card issued by the state or the government.

Children aged 16 and 17 must apply for their own credit freeze online at the three national credit bureaus. In some cases, they may need to mail copies of a driver's license or an ID issued by the state.

Beyond the credit freeze

"Knowing that the biggest threat to the impersonation of children comes from the family or group of friends, you want to take other measures" than a simple freeze credit, said Al Pascual, head of security and fraud at Javelin.

First, secure the personal information of the child. Birth certificates, social security cards, passports and other documents containing sensitive information must be locked. Access must be limited and only to those whom you trust. Also, do not give your child your social security number until you are old enough to do so yourself and understand the importance of safety.

Monitor your child's online activity and teach them safe practices, such as using secure passwords and keeping certain types of information – such as birth dates – private.

Examine any financial accounts they may have for any suspicious activity, such as savings accounts and 529 education plans. Pull their credit report once a year, even if it is frozen, to make sure there is no strange activity.

Keep an eye out for signs that your child's information is used fraudulently, such as billing statements or collection letters on behalf of your child, or pre-approved credit cards or other financial offers to your child .

A security freeze and a credit report block generally prevent unauthorized access to your credit reports, but do not work in exactly the same way. (Photo: Shutterstock)

If you think that your child's identity has been stolen, you will need to file a police report and contact the three credit bureaus. The Identity Theft Center also offers free resources to victims through its website and call center at 888-400-5530.

Protect your older parents

In addition to your children, it is important to encourage older parents to take steps to protect their identity. Seniors are often the target of many scams. Older parents also depend on more people, such as caregivers or assisted living center staff, who may have access to their personal information, said Velasquez.

The new law also allows guards to freeze the credit reports of a protected person free of charge. Those who have legal responsibility for the finances of their older parents should do so. If the elderly in your life are still paying their own bills and organizing their finances, you can always encourage them to take this step.

"If the task is discouraging because it does not have access to the Internet or does not know how to use the Internet," said Velasquez, "you can still hold your hand during this process."


The US Senate Trade Committee has been on strike by technology giants like Yahoo and Equifax over recent data breaches.

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