After the rescue, the football boys pray for protection at the Thai temple


CHIANG RAI, Thailand – Youth football survivors from a flooded cave began their first day of traveling with their families on Thursday while visiting a Buddhist temple to pray for protection from misfortune.

Eleven Boys and Wild Boar The coach of the wild boars kneeled down and clasped his hands in prayer to sing monks at the ceremony intended to prolong his life and protect it from danger. They were joined by relatives and friends at Wat Pra That Doi Wao temple, overlooking Myanmar on the northern border of Thailand

Only one member was absent, Adul Sargon, who is not Buddhist.

The team has already said that they order as Buddhist novices to honor a former SEAL diver from the Thai Navy who died in the cave while preparing for their rescue.

On Wednesday night, the boys and the coach were released from the hospital and spoke to the media for the first time. a test, describing their surprise at seeing two British divers rising from the muddy waters in the recesses of the cave. It would take another week before they came out of Tham Luang Cave.

"We were not sure it was for real," said Adul, 14 years old. "Then we stopped and we listened and it turned out to be true, I was shocked."

In a moving and moving moment at the news conference, a portrait was shown by Saman Gunan, the Thai diver who died. One of the boys, Chanin "Titan" Vibulrungruang, 11, the youngest of the group, covered his eyes as he wiped a tear.

"I feel sad, and another thing is that I am really impressed by Sgt Sam for sacrificing his life to allow all 13 wild boars to live our lives on the outside happily and normally." said coach Ekapol "Ake" Chanthawong. "When we found out, everyone was sad, extremely sad, as if we were the cause of it, to make the sergeant's family sad and have to deal with problems."

The Wild Boars had entered the cave on June 23 for a relaxing excursion after playing football. But the rain started and the water soon filled the cave, cutting off their escape, and they huddled on a parcel of dry land deep in the cave.

Ekapol said the trip was to last an hour, just because I wanted to see what was inside. "

When the time was up, they were inside and had already gone through flooded areas in the spirit of adventure. But turning around, he discovered that the way was not clear at all, and he swam forward to explore the road, tying a rope to himself so that the boys could pull him if necessary.

He said that he had to be removed

Ekapol told the boys, "We can not go out that way. We must find another way. "

" The boys told reporters their reactions at that time. "

" I was scared. I was afraid not to go home and my mother would scold me, "said 13-year-old Mongkol Boonpiam, prompting laughter.

14-year-old Ekarat Wongsukchan said they had decided to "calm down first" problem and find a way out.Be calm and not shocked. "

The group had not taken any food with them and survived drinking from it. Water that ran off the walls of the cave, added Ekapol, adding that all the boys knew how to swim, which worried the rescuers.

Titan said that he made an effort not to think about food. "When I'm starving, I do not think about food, otherwise it would make me more hungry."

Adul said that they were digging around the place when they heard the voices and that Ekapol called for silence.

tells how Ekapol told them to "come down quickly over there, that's the sound of a person, otherwise they'll go through," something like that. "

But he said his teammate holding the flashlight was scared Adul told him," If you're not going to go, I'll go. "

" I've so quickly took the flashlight, and I quickly went down, and I greeted them, "hello," added Adul.

Psychologists had previously considered the questions of reporters to avoid d & # 39; evoke any aspect of the rescue that might bother them.The dangers of the complicated operation, in which the boys were extracted in three separate missions with diving equipment and pulleys in the narrow passages, did not

The doctors said that the 13 were in good physical and mental health.Although they lost an average of 4 kilograms (9 pounds) for more than two weeks, they were trapped in the cave. but they have since gained about 3 kilograms (6 1/2 pounds) on average since their rescue They have been treated for minor infections.

Asked what he had learned from their experience, 13-year-old Mongkol Boonpiam said he felt stronger. "I have more patience, stamina, tolerance," he said.

Adul said that he had taught her to "not live life carelessly."

While many boys wanted to become professional players at least four of them said that they hoped to become SEALS of the Navy in order to be able to help others.

All expressed their apologies to their families.

"I wanted to apologize to my parents, I know I'm going to get bawled by mom when I get home," said Pornchai Kamluang, 16.

Ekarat said timidly that he wanted to apologize to his parents because while he was telling them that he was going to a cave, he told them the wrong [19659031"ItoldthemIwasgoingtoThamKhunNam"hesaid"IdidnottellthemthatIwenttoThamLuangIwaswonderinghowtheyfoundusintherightcave"


This story has been corrected to show that the quote on the dead diver came from the coach of the team, not one of the boys.

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