After the testimony of Kavanaugh, Three Inconsistencies the F.B.I. The survey could address


Testimony in the Senate of Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, the man she allegedly assaulted her during a small party in high school, revealed several details in their stories that do not match. Here are three of these inconsistencies and the people who, according to Dr. Blasey, were related to the story.

In his denial of the alleged assault, Judge Kavanaugh appeared to repeatedly assert that persons whom Dr. Blasey said to be at home stated that the rally "did not take place". the statements only said that they had no recollection of it.

In her testimony, Dr. Blasey, who is also known as a woman, Ford, stated that she did not expect Mr. Smyth and Ms. Keyser to remember the evening, since nothing remarkable happened. But, she said, "Mr. The judge is a different story. I would expect him to remember what happened. "

Judge Kavanaugh repeatedly invoked his personal schedule of the summer of 1982 to prove that he "was not apart", but definitely. He said it showed that he was out of town almost every weekend and too busy during the week to go to parties.

Judge Kavanaugh stated that he did not know Dr. Blasey, but Dr. Blasey claimed to have gone out with one of his good friends and attended four or five evenings where Judge Kavanaugh was present.

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