Against antibiotics with priobiotics | Press line


Washington DC, [USA]: Up-to-date research has shown that the use of probiotics is both related to decreased antibiotic treatment needs in infants and children. By comparison, using the results of 12 identical studies was 29% far less likely to contract antibiotics were prescribed in the event that they were receiving probiotics as a daily supplement. When the analysis was repeated with the best quality studies, this proportion rose to fifty-three. "Given this finding, one technique to reduce the use of antibiotics is to continually spend probiotics." investigator. We already have evidence that drinking probiotics reduces the incidence, duration, and severity of obvious types of general acute respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. The question is whether this negotiation is no longer linked to a decrease in antibiotic spending, and we are seeking to establish a possible affiliation, "added Merenstein. Additional studies are desired at all ages, and particularly in the elderly, to investigate whether a sustained expenditure on probiotics is linked to a global negotiation of antibiotic prescriptions. In this case, this could potentially have a huge influence on the use of probiotics in general and on clients in general. "We are now ensuring that we no longer know the global mechanisms that probiotic traces can also exploit. Nevertheless, a large part of the human immune system manifests itself in the gastrointestinal tract. Ingesting healthy microorganisms may also exclude bacterial pathogens associated with intestinal infections. European Journal of Public Indeed.
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