Agents are concerned over Mets' most controversial GM option


The Mets' search for a new head of baseball operations.

On Monday, the Mets abolished MLB executive Kim Ng and Tigers vice president of player development Dave Littlefield from consideration, according to sources, leaving Doug Melvin, Brodie Van Wagenen, and Chaim Bloom as the known candidates for the job.

Van Wagenen had his second interview on Monday, with Fred Wilpon and COO owner Jeff Wilpon conducting the session.

The 66-year-old Melvin is considered the favorite of the Brewers and Rangers. Melvin, who has a deep background in scouting and player development, has served as a senior adviser to the Brewers since 2015.

The 44-year-old Van Wagenen, an agent who represents Jacob deGrom, Yoenis Cespedes and Tim Tebow, among others, is well-regarded for his smarts and knowledge of the game but never worked in baseball operations.

Van Wagenen, the co-head of CAA's baseball division, is the most controversial of the candidates based on the front line.

Mega-agent Scott Boras told the Post he has received multiple offers over the years to lead teams but this is because of such conflict-of-interest concerns.

"The Boras Corporation stands for a total commitment to players, and while I have been offered many opportunities with teams, I would never have the confidence that I have with any player, and that is very important to what I do," Boras said. "I am an attorney and I want [players] to tell me everything, and a lot of these things are confidential, they are personal, and if I went to work for a different employer, I would have a commitment to. "

An agent who did not want to be affected by the issue of MLB Players' Association and would like to be informed about it.

Following his interview Monday, Van Wagenen issued a statement through the Mets.

"I have regular dialogue with all 30 teams. These conversations share a central theme; How can I help make the team better? "he wrote.

"In my role as an agent, my solution is to create opportunities for players to be successful both on and off the field. By creating partnerships between players and teams, the interests of all parties can be aligned. If the players are able to reach their peak potential, the fans will be rewarded with a competitive team that can contend for championships year in and year out. The clubs benefit with compelling, sustainable and profitable entertainment franchises; and the players are rewarded with a platform to realize their childhood dreams while receiving compensation with their tremendous talents.

"My conversations with the Mets continues to be organic. I believe baseball is better when the Mets are competitive and successful. That success is better for the fans, players and the economy of the sport. As Jeff and Fred continue their search, the players, the fans and any organization will be motivated to have a leader with the skills and commitment to win. If the Wilpons believe I am that person, we will have that conversation. "

Bloom, 35, is the senior vice president of baseball operations for the Rays and has the deepest analytics background of the candidates. Bloom has drawn up in the industry to help keep the Rays in contention on a limited budget, but sources have pointed Fred Wilpon's preference is a candidate with deeper roots in scouting and player development.

The Mets' list of candidates was last edited by Cardinals director of development Gary LaRocque and Jon Watson's Nationals special assistant were abolished from contention. LaRocque, according to a source, was told with significant factor.

Among those who declined to be interviewed for the position were Red Sox GM Ben Cherington, GM Twins Thad Levine and GM GM Mike Chernoff Indians.

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