Agreements reached in the Native American home placement abuse cases against the church


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A lawyer said that four Indians who claimed to have been sexually assaulted while they were enlisted in a now-defunct church home program have filed documents to dismiss their cases. after reaching the financial regulations.

FLAGSTAFF, Arizona – Four Americans said they were sexually assaulted while enlisted in a now-defunct foster home program.

Allegations have been made against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by more than a dozen tribal members of the Navajo Nation and the Crow tribe of Montana.

Four cases were settled recently, three were settled last year, and others resulted in out-of-court settlements. One case remains in the state of Washington.

The terms of the latest agreements are confidential and include no admission of wrongdoing, said Craig Vernon, a lawyer representing the tribe's members.

The cases were filed at Window Rock District Court on the Navajo Nation.

Eric Hawkins, spokesman for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, declined to comment. He said the settlement agreement prohibits any discussion of conditions.

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The first lawsuit was filed by two Navajo brothers and sisters in 2016 in a tribal court.

The lawsuits filed by tribal members were sexually abused between the 1960s and the early 1980s as part of the Indian Student Placement program, which placed thousands of Amerindians in Utah, Idaho and New Mexico.

The voluntary program, which aims to provide children with educational opportunities they did not have on the reserve, began in the late 1940s and ended around 2000.

Those accused of abuse were associated with foster families and not with church leaders.

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