Spoiler Alert: This story contains elimination results from the Wednesday episode of NBC's "America's Got Talent".

"America's Got Talent" completed its finalist field of 10 acts, advancing five competitors at Wednesday's results show.

These survivors will join Five acts chosen last week during the show of the NBC final (8 EDT / PDT). The season 13 champion will be crowned on September 19th (8 EDT / PDT).

Tuesday's semifinal show, the second in two weeks, featured 11 acts. This group was reduced to five Wednesday thanks to the votes of viewers and the selection of a judge.

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More: & # 39; AGT & # 39;: Five acts go to the final of Season 13 and the BTS group was invited as a guest

Fans who attended the show at Hollywood's Dolby Theater attended a performance of the very popular BTS, the South Korean band.

On the results side, three contestants, all singers – Daniel Emmet, Glennis Grace, We Three – were facing immediate pressure on Wednesday as they clashed for the Dunkin & # 39; Save, which allows viewers to vote for the event. .

Grace won the vote of the viewer and got the first save, while the judges chose Emmet with the second choice.

In addition to Grace and Emmet, other upcoming acts at next week's finale include: stand-up comic Vicki Barbolak; singer Courtney Hadwin; and violinist Brian King Joseph.

In addition to We Three, eliminated competitors include: danger act Aaron Crow; Angel City Choir; Da Republik dance group; singer Christina Wells; and singer-songwriter Noah Guthrie.

The five finalists chosen last week are: Comic Samuel J. Comroe; aerial artists Duo Transcend; the magician Shin Lim; singer Michael Ketterer; and the acrobatic dance troupe Zurcaroh.

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