AGU-Led National Study: Citizen Science Can Foster Science Learning


A study published today by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in the United States evaluated science learning in citizen science projects and ways to increase it. In this type of project, which has become increasingly popular over the past 20 years, scientists engage non-scientists in the discovery process or work side by side with members of the community with or without scientific training to apply science to the goals of the community. Typical community science projects could investigate local sources of pollution or find ways to increase the use of renewable energy by a city.

The atmospheric scientist, Rajul Pandya, AGU staff member and director of Thriving Earth Exchange, the AGU's community science program, chaired the group of 12 scientists and educators who conducted the study. The Thriving Earth Exchange Program, launched by the AGU in 2014, as a first step towards celebrating its centennial next year, matches scientists with communities both in the United States and Canada. abroad. The program has completed or is executing more than 80 projects in areas such as reducing vulnerability to floods, redesigning a city hall to improve energy efficiency and realignment of projects. a traditional agricultural calendar in Central Asia with seasonal changes lagged by climate change. .

Pandya sits with Eos this week to answer some questions about the purpose of the new study, its conclusions and the involvement of AGU in citizen science.

Eos: What motivated this study? Is there any hope among scientists and municipal leaders that citizen science can offer a way to rekindle the interest and learning of science among Americans without any education about it and in s' moving away?

Pandya: Our committee has been charged with doing three things: understanding how citizen science helps people learn science, giving practical advice to those interested in designing citizen science projects that maximize learning, and establishing a research agenda to that we can learn more about the relationship. between citizen science and scientific learning. This report, the first report of the National Academies on Citizen Science, was sponsored by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Simons Foundation and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to learn more about citizen science as a collaborative approach of scientific engagement. One of the things we found by exploring the literature on these topics is that projects are better at advancing learning if they start working with what people know about science and what they care about and who is related to science. Educators call this an asset-based framework, and it drives people deeper into science, involving them much more quickly and deeply than an approach focused on what people do not know or how much they are alienated from science.

Eos: You state that citizen science is capable of fostering science learning with the potential to more effectively stimulate science learning if it is designed for that educational purpose. In light of these findings, what kinds of relationships could develop between traditional science education and education through citizen science? Could citizen science ever become a regular part of science courses at the primary, secondary and college levels?

Pandya: Our research has revealed that citizen science and its practices are already part of some formal education courses. We also discovered that some citizen science projects are already using materials and strategies from traditional science education to amplify science learning. Our report suggests that citizen science should be considered as part of an educational landscape or ecosystem of opportunities. What goes on inside and outside the classroom can reinforce each other and, when they do, learning is improved in both cases.

Eos: To what extent and what kind of potential does citizen science, and in particular community science, have to change the way science is used and whose scientific understanding and education is pursued in the United States and elsewhere? What must happen to make this country and others benefit from this potential?

Pandya: One of the report's conclusions was that "as citizen science broadens the scope of people who can contribute to science, it can be a means of introducing new processes, observations, data and epistemologies into science" . Some of the recommendations focus on the design of citizen science projects, and these recommendations highlight a collaborative design process in which communities, scientists and educators work together iteratively to design projects. We encourage citizen science project developers – who, of course, include participants – to embrace this collaborative design approach. We also encourage researchers to study all aspects of citizen science, especially over time and across a constellation of projects. I think what we learn could be important to help us as a country continue to improve access to science and science education for all.

Eos: Why do you think you have been chosen by the National Academies to lead this study? What qualifying and relevant experiences and skills did you bring to this survey?

"Academies are committed to advancing equity in science education, including education through citizen science."

Pandya: I can say that the committee as a whole was chosen for the breadth of the skills of its members; We had science educators, educational researchers, citizen citizen leaders, educational designers, practicing scientists, and evaluation experts. My job as president, with the help of the staff of the academy, was to help everyone to express their best ideas, to guide the group so that it rigorously tests the ideas and interpretations of available evidence and seek genuine consensus and helpful advice. I think I was chosen because I had extensive relevant experience as a former director of science education at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, as a member of the board of directors of the Citizen Science Association and, more recently, head of AGU's Thriving Earth Exchange program. Because academies are committed to advancing equity in science education, including education through citizen science, some of my work on diversity and equity in the arts Scientific education and citizen science may have also attracted their attention.

NASEM has made the full report available for free online.

-Peter Weiss, acting editor of features and special projects

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Quote: (), Eos ,
doi: 10.1029 /.
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