"AHS: Apocalypse": Sarah Paulson breaks first, Premiere Breaks Twitter


Perhaps the most anticipated season of "History of American horror" started Wednesday night, and things went wrong quickly when the Apocalypse settled on the show.

The dark first illuminated Twitter with several names of members of the cast, including the pillars "AHS" Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson and Kathy Bates. And yet, fans interested in seeing them in their iconic roles from previous seasons "Murder House" and "Coven" will have to wait a little longer, as Paulson and Peters will play multiple characters throughout the season. Bates should not resume his role of "Coven".

For the first, however, they are all new characters in a new decor that already seems as claustrophobic as some of the best seasons of the series. As the bombs fall, the main actors are led, either by their wealth or by their genetic heritage, to a hidden bunker. There, they meet Paulson and Bates in their most deliciously cruel roles.

Despite his general lack of Emmy love, there is a reason why "AHS" gets a lot of nominations and remains a hit for FX after all these years. Ryan Murphy The list of talents is just after his troubles, Paulson and Bates are absolutely killing their roles for this first.

After only one episode, we know everything we need to know about all the characters that seem important, while having absolutely no idea of ​​the situation or how it will connect to "Murder House" or "Coven" ". While it's disappointing not to have at least one glimmer of this link, it's a testament to the frankness that they can always draw viewers so effectively after a single episode.

And the fans could not get enough, discussing the show through his first and at night, and if they drooled over Peters or compared Bates to a memorable character from Netflix, they were definitely very engaged . Check out some of their catch below:

Kathy "Big Boo" Bates

Everyone loved Bates' fierce new style in "Apocalypse", but they could not help but notice that she looked strikingly like Carrie Black's Big Boo of "Orange Is the New Black" from Netflix. When Ms. Venable de Paulson and Miriam Mead of Bates shared a scene that was certieusement constructed as if she were going to a sensually charged place, this comparison only grew.

But while the women were bonded, it was the joy they shared of tormenting the survivors under their responsibility. It was an interesting twist in a first that seemed too cruel but that looked as if it was the best way to be. Now we know that Venable is just a sadist, with Miriam not helping her reluctantly enough.

Evan Peters in the Buff

Of course, it would not be a season of "AHS" without Evan Peters in the buff, and Murphy wasted no time giving the fans what they want. As part of the sadistic torture of their charges, Venable and Mead falsify periodically the contamination of their charges in order to be able to torture them with vicious friction.

This, of course, required that Mr. Gallant of Peters and another poor band named Stu undress and the cameras were there to caress each of their buttocks. At this point, fans have come to expect these moments, but on the basis of Twitter's reaction, that did not diminish their enthusiasm for what they saw … until Bates she had simulated the results of the contamination. Must not look as good without clothes.

There were no arguments online. In fact, for some fans, it was just enough for him to be there.


Although we did not see his other two roles better known, Twitter was quite cool to see this new sinister side of Ryan Murphy's favorite muse. This is not "AHS" without Paulson, and seeing it breaking was all for many of his Twitter fans. And when she broke, she broke really badly, but what fierce character turned out to be Ms. Venable.

We do not know if Venable is in the season for the long term, but the arrival of Michael Langdon – Tate Langdon's son of Antichrist (Peters) from "Murder House" – from The Cooperative could s & # 39, to prove his greatest challenge. Presumably, he will not be as easy to kill as poor Stu, and he seems clearly determined to block his amusement. He probably has some of his own, considering that the apocalypse is a kind of jam.

Or maybe he'll like what they did with the place. We mean that they killed Stu so that they could feed the rest of Stu's stew. Did they need to do that? Of course not, it was just to pass the time. This makes it so that one wonders what has happened in the missing 18 months, considering that no one else has died. How did they fill those boring hours?


While most people were horrified to discover that the stew was actually Stu, Joan Collins was there for that. Interpreting Gallant's crested grandmother, she channeled each day of her "Dynasty" into a tour de force that was bitterly hilarious.

It does not matter what lines you feed – or what meat – but Joan Collins is a national treasure, and Twitter was there for that. And do not think that they did not understand this "dynasty". She's not in the main cast, so we're already counting and getting ready when we're scandalized after being horribly killed.


But while the response was rather positive, fans are already eager to see the crossovers happen. We loved seeing Peters and Paulson in new roles, but we also have a hard time seeing them come back to some of the roles that made us fall in love with them in this franchise.

On top of that, they basically bring back the entire "Coven" and basically everyone from "Murder House", including Connie Britton and Dylan McCermott (who have not come back since). In other words, we have the impression of having watched the first hour of "Avengers: Infinity War" and no Avengers have yet appeared. These people are cool and everything, but we want our superheroes, Ryan Murphy!

And to make it even worse, there was no preview for next week.

"American Horror Story: Apocalypse" continues Wednesday night at 22h ET on FX.

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