AI could increase success rates for IVF, according to a major study


reNikica Zaninovic of Cornell University, who led the study, said, "If AI can recognize normal embryos and those with abnormal chromosomes, the rate of miscarriages and stillbirths will be reduced, is the reason for this research.

"It's something new and an 85% success rate is huge."

The researchers say that hospitals and fertility clinics would not need to buy the computer. Instead, they could simply send photos of embryos to the machine and receive the results "in minutes".

The AI ​​system is based on accelerated photographs of growing embryos already used in many fertility clinics.

A photo of the embryo is taken every 10 minutes and given to embryologists who use their expertise to decide which ones look normal.

Looking at images rather than placing an embryo under the microscope can reduce the risk of damaging it.

A study published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology earlier this year showed that time-interval imaging can improve live birth rates in women using fresh embryos up to 28%.

However, the authority responsible for human fertilization and embryology recently said that further research was needed before patients could be told that it provided a higher chance of having a baby.

The latest study on the addition of AI to accelerated imaging could provide this missing data that doctors and patients need.

The computer, dubbed "the beast," was informed of 700 images of embryos, which resulted in a birth, miscarriage or stillbirth, which allowed him to learn how to search subtle changes that may indicate a problem.

During the test, the computer analyzed the images of 328 embryos implanted in future mothers.

When asked which of these items would give birth to a baby, he correctly identified 280.

The machine is also able to continue learning the data that is provided to it, adapting its algorithm to make it always more precise.

Dr. Zaninovic added, "To make a baby embryo, it probably takes between 80 and 90% of the value [reason] but there are other factors that explain why an embryo does not give birth to life.

"So these numbers are almost 100% because there are other factors in the mother after implantation. That's why we think it's extremely high.

He said that in his clinics, about 50% of women under age 35 with no underlying condition had a baby using IVF and time-lapse imaging.

Using AI, this could reach 60 to 70%, he added.

Dr. Zaninovic, whose team is currently patenting technology, said, "I only need information about the patients of a London hospital and the image of the patient. 39, embryo, that I can put in the computer.

"Everything is web-based. That does not mean that all hospitals will have that. This can simply be done on the Internet very easily. "

He added: "In five years, it will be commonly used in the clinic."

Professor Allan Pacey, British expert in fertility, from the University of Sheffield, said: "The ability to observe the development of embryos with the help of time lapse systems. has developed considerably in recent years and these devices have become commonplace in clinical practice.

"However, to date, the data do not show that they actually help to select the best embryo and improve the chances of pregnancy.

"Therefore, the application of artificial intelligence to data collected from time lapse systems is a very good idea, as it can detect patterns and algorithms that are not visible at all. human eye. "

Professor Charles Kingsland founded the UK's largest NHS IVF unit, Liverpool's Hewitt IVF, which was the first to successfully use time-lapse technology.

Prof. Kingsland, clinical director of CARE Fertility, said, "Although the numbers in the study are small, these results are encouraging.

"By adding artificial intelligence to the computer, it pushes it even further into the future.

"The final arbiter of embryo quality will always be a highly qualified embryologist or clinician.

"There are only many years left in the in vitro fertilization laboratory (IVF)."

At the same time, experts worry that an "Instagram generation" of young British women do not realize that they should take folic acid before they get pregnant.

A survey of 11,000 women found that more than half of 18-24 year-olds who wanted to conceive were not taking vitamin.

Folic acid can prevent birth defects in babies such as spina bifida. But to benefit from its protective effects, women must take some before trying to conceive.

Researchers at SPD, a company specializing in fertility testing, said public health messages should target online forums and sites such as Instagram and SnapChat, while young women were not receiving information. from traditional routes.

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