AI finds more Chatter space


Scientists do not know exactly what fast bursts are. What they know, is that they come from far away. In fact, the one that occurs regularly comes from a galaxy located 3 billion light years away. They could form from neutron stars or they could be extraterrestrials phoning home. The other thing is – thanks to machine learning – we now know a lot more. You can see a video of Berkeley below. and find more technical information, raw data and [Danielle Futselaar’s] Killer project graphic seen above from their site.

The first FRB attracted the attention of [Duncan Lorimer] and [David Narkevic] in 2007, reviewing the 2001 data. These broadband bursts are difficult to identify because they last a few milliseconds. Berkeley researchers have trained software using previously known FRBs. They then gave the software 5 hours of activity recordings of part of the sky and found 72 previously unknown FRBs.

We would love to hear about ET, of course. However, it is hard to imagine that if you wanted to communicate deliberately, you would do it in a more obvious way. Of course, we may be listening to the trunked communication system of some foreign stars. We still think advanced civilizations will have data compression that will make the data quite random and we often wonder about the effect of time dilation on modulation if the source moves quickly relative to us.

Unfortunately, the most likely explanation is something more banal like a black hole. Some FRBs were even generated on Earth when people opened their microwaves during their operation. Perhaps we see an intergalactic 7-11 warm giant burritos.

If you want to try radioastronomy without a lot of equipment, you can join Zooniverse. Or you can hack an old satellite dish.

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