Aids will be eliminated in Egypt by 2030: Ministry of Health


The Egyptian Ministry of Health has announced a plan to eliminate AIDS in the country by 2030 under the slogan "Health for All: Preventing Stigma in Health Facilities".

The Ministry of Health confirmed that Egypt's HIV infection rate fell to less than 0.02 percent this year, the world's lowest infection rate, according to official data released by the organization. World Health Organization and the United Nations.

Khaled Megahed, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health, said the ministry is focused on fighting HIV infection and providing care to people living with the disease.

He pointed out that several strategic plans are in place to reduce the infection by 2030.

The Ministry of Health strives to provide screening to the greatest number of citizens to detect people at risk and has not yet conducted laboratory tests.

They will then link patients to follow-up care and provide them with AIDS treatment, as well as support for regular treatment to inhibit viral load (amount of HIV in the blood).

Megahed also praised health surveillance activities and community outreach efforts to prevent HIV, as well as basic and ongoing efforts such as the National AIDS Control Program and post-exposure protection of agents health.

Alaa Eid, head of the preventive medicine sector, said the national AIDS program offers HIV treatment with a 100% coverage rate for patients in 15 specialized centers, providing specialized medical services and treatment. completely free treatments.

According to Eid, the child protection program, aimed at preventing the transmission of the virus to infants by HIV-positive mothers, has been a great success.

Eid added that the National AIDS Control Program provides comprehensive outreach services through regular seminars in schools and universities, as well as in health facilities, for workers to raise awareness, ending the stigma of ill.

Last year, the UN said that HIV in Egypt is spreading at an "alarming rate", prompting early action to stop the disease.

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