Air Canada: a new report reveals almost the "worst aviation accident in the history of aviation" | Travel News | Trip


The Air Canada flight was going to the San Francisco Airport in 2017 when the incident occurred.

After arriving at the landing, the aircraft was cleared for Runway 28-Right.

However, the pilot is lined up on taxiway C instead by accident.

On taxiway C, four planes filled with passengers were waiting for clearance to take off.

Fortunately, the plane managed to park before hitting one of the aircraft, but he approached a few feet from the first plane on the runway.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has opened an investigation into this incident.

Vice President Bruce Lansberg said: "Only a few inches of separation have prevented this from becoming the worst aviation accident in history."

The plane was only 30 meters from the ground when it flew over the first plane.

Earl Weener, Board Member, said, "1,000 people are at imminent risk of serious injury or death."

According to the report, the problem comes from the "lack of awareness of the crew members at the parallel runway closure".

He also blamed "failures in the management of crew resources" and "inability to adjust the frequency of the instrument landing system for emergency side guidance".

At that time, a recording confirmed that the pilot was reaffirming that the landing was authorized so that air traffic control could confirm that Runway 28-Right was open.

Suddenly, air traffic control warned them not to land and "go around".

A United Airlines pilot, who was one of the ground planes, told Air Traffic Control: "Air Canada flew over us directly."

Better airport lighting and more air traffic control personnel have also been recommended by the Federal Aviation Authority.

The most deadly air disaster in history occurred in 1977 after the collision of two aircraft at the airport of Tenerife.

A terrorist incident at the Gran Canaria airport, as well as a thick fog, resulted in an accumulation of aircraft on the runways.

KLM flight 4805 collided with Pan Am flight 1736 after the start of take-off.

The collision between the two aircraft killed 583 people – all those on board the KLM flight and most passengers on the Pan Am flight.

The accident resulted in changes in the aviation sector following the confusion that followed communications between the air traffic control and the flight deck.

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