Air conditioning is not necessary: ​​scientists have found a new way to save heat – Techno 24


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Mit researchers have invented a new type of window cover reflecting heat. According to scientists, about 6% of the electricity produced in the United States is used for air conditioning, but there is another way to fight against heat.

It is reported 4PDA.

The developed film is transparent at ambient temperatures up to 32 degrees. But with the increase in temperature, it becomes more and more opaque. As a result, the coating reflects 70% of the sun's heat, reducing the temperature inside the building and reducing the load on the air conditioning.

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The film becomes Mata at temperatures above 29.4 degrees

For maximum effect, blocking heat, researchers have developed a standard sphere filled with Palmeral water. If the temperature is above 29.4 degrees, the sphere begins to contract, compressing the liquid and turning into a Palmeral communication fiber. This gives the glass a frosted appearance, blocks the heat and simultaneously transmits a sufficient amount of light.

Note that similar movies existed before, but they do not block the heat. And with the new development, the ambient temperature can be reduced from 39 to 34 degrees. Nevertheless, it seems that a slight drop in temperature can significantly reduce energy consumption.

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