Air hostess breastfeeds the passenger baby in flight


There was no formula on the flight.

A Filipino air hostess is congratulated for doing more than her duty to lighten the crying baby on board. Patrisha Organo, one of the cabin crew members of Philippine Airlines, rushed to help a worried mother and breastfed her inconsolable baby in flight.

Organo heard a crying baby just after the flight took off and went to offer help to the mother. "Everything went well right up to takeoff, I heard a baby cry, a cry that will make you want to do something to help," said Organo quoted by TFT. She added, "I tried to tell her to feed her hungry child.The eyes in tears, she told me that she no longer had formula milk," she said. she told The Philippin Times newspaper.

Unfortunately, there was no formula milk in the aircraft, which meant that it would not be possible to feed a hungry crying baby. Organo also panicked but decided to breastfeed the passenger's baby herself. "I told myself that I could only offer one product: breastfeeding my baby myself – that's what I offered," Organo said.

The mother and her baby were assisted by the airline's line administrator in the kitchen where Organo breastfed the baby until she fell asleep. "The baby started to root, she was so hungry, I took her back to her seat and just before leaving, the mother sincerely thanked her, thank you Lord for the mother's milk gift", added Organo.

Organo told the story on Facebook and posted a picture of her holding the crying baby. The post was viral, garnering more than 96,000 "likes", 3,700 comments and 18,000 actions with Organo reaching millions of hearts for his benevolent gesture.

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