Air pollution weakens your bones, according to a recent study


While the country was observing World Osteoporosis Day on Saturday, doctors have suggested early diagnosis, regular physical activity, and healthy eating, which people should follow to prevent the onset of the disease from occurring. in the last stages of life.

Osteoporosis is a common problem and is due to a decrease in bone density over time.

It is a common disorder in the elderly. It literally means "porous bones".

Recent research shows that pollution accelerates the process of bone deterioration, say doctors.

"Air pollution has been associated with worsening worsening of bone diseases and their symptoms. Seniors who are more frequently exposed to air pollutants from vehicular and industrial emissions experience faster bone loss and, therefore, a higher risk of bone fractures. So, the bad air is bad for your bones, "said Yash Gulati, Senior Consultant in Orthopedics, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.

Risk of fracture

Abhishek Kumar, executive consultant at Jaypee Hospital in Noida, explained that the bones were weakening, increasing the risk of fractures, especially at the hip, vertebrae and wrist.

As the bones weaken, the risk of fracture as a result of a fall or minor shock is increased.

According to doctors, osteoporosis fracture is a huge problem in the growing elderly population.

No early symptoms

"There are no such symptoms in the early stages of bone loss. But once your bones have been weakened by osteoporosis, you may experience signs and symptoms such as: back pain, fracture, loss of height over time and bone fracture much easier than expected, "said Dr. Kumar.

He then explained how the disease manifests itself in men and women.

Until the age of 50-55 years, men are at higher risk of developing these diseases. But menopause in women aggravates the equation.

"Estrogen, the female hormone, protects cartilage from bones, which reduces its wear and tear. After menopause, as the amount of estrogen hormones decreases in the woman's body, women are more likely to suffer from arthritis and osteoporosis, "he said.

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