Airbnb victim of a lawsuit for delisting Israeli settlements


A few days earlier, the Israeli Minister of Tourism had announced that he would support settler lawsuits against Airbnb following his decision to withdraw about 200 registrations from Israeli settlements. It is believed that the movement of society, which has been widely praised by the Palestinians, was motivated by the imminent publication of a damning Human Rights Watch report. For its part, Airbnb said it was rethinking its policy vis-à-vis disputed areas, adding that the lists in question were "at the heart of the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians."

Reuters reports that the trial in the Jerusalem District Court accuses Airbnb of being part of "the long war waged by organizations (a clear majority of which are anti-Semitic) against the state of Israel as a whole and against Israelis living in particular settlements. "

Settlements in the territory occupied by Israel during the Middle East war in 1967 are considered illegal under international law, although Israel strongly opposes the boycott, viewing them as discriminatory.

Airbnb has already been accused of racial discrimination. A study conducted in 2017 showed that guests may be less likely to rent to people with disabilities. The company adopted a non-discrimination policy in 2016 and then applied it to users.

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