Airport safety trays transport more cold germs than toilets, study finds


LONDON – Airport security is here to protect you, but it can also give you sniffles – or worse.

At all the places and surfaces we've been warned about, there's a lot of germs or bacteria – your pets, the subway seat, the airplane cabins, the A.T.M. – add the security bar of the airport.

Plastic bins – used at checkpoints at airports around the world and affected by millions of passengers putting on shoes, laptops, luggage and other items to clean x-ray scanners – are home to a variety of of germs responsible for colds, according to European researchers.

Scientists from the University of Nottingham in England and from the Finnish National Institute of Health and Welfare have frequently touched surfaces at the Helsinki airport in Finland during and after the rush hours of winter 2016 and found and influenza A virus.

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