Alan Dershowitz says that he was "avoided" on Martha's Vineyard for defending Trump


Alan Dershowitz defended accused murderers O.J. Simpson and Claus von Bulow in court, but it seems his defense of President Donald Trump has crossed a line for some of his friends.

"For them, just what I said about the Constitution could help Trump, so they run away from me and try to ban me from their social life on Martha's Vineyard."

Alan Derschowitz

The famous trial attorney and Harvard professor lamented his distress in an editorial released last week by The Hill, saying that he was shunned for his defense of Trump's "civil liberties."

Dershowitz stated that he was not a supporter of Trump. he voted for Hillary Clinton, but he believes that people unfairly accuse him of being a fan of Trump because he publicly opposed the Special Advisor's investigation Robert Mueller on the Trump campaign, for legal reasons

. Old friends on Martha's Vineyard, "he writes." One of them, a distinguished university scholar, told people that it was not a good thing. would attend any dinner or party I would be invited to. "

" Either you are for Trump or against him, and these are all people Dershowitz has gone so far as to compare his social mockery to McCarthyism over the years 1950, when many innocent people were unjustly blacklisted and fired from their jobs after being accused of being communists.

His complaints did not elicit much sympathy on social media

Dershowitz said that he learned a great lesson: "A good thing is that To be shunned by some "Old friends from Martha's Vineyard have learned who my true friends are and who were my vanguard friends. "

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