Albert Lea's first walk to end Alzheimer's disease exceeds $ 16,000 goal – Albert Lea Tribune


Frank Hall Park and the Blazing Star Trail were invaded by a moving purple sea Sunday as more than 300 participants marched to end Alzheimer's disease on behalf of their loved ones.

For the organizer and Amanda Irvine, it's on behalf of her grandfather, Wayne Weiss, who died in 2005. The Irvine family was also the family of honor chosen to be recognized at this year's march.

"I was really close to him," she said.

Irvine has participated in 8-year walks, all outside the community. This is the first year that Freeborn County has organized a walk sanctioned by the Alzheimer's Association.

Amanda Irvine and her family are recognized as the honorary family of the Walk to End Alzheimer's Disease this year. Sarah Kocher / Albert Lea Tribune

"It was my dream and my goal to bring him back into the community here," said Irvine, who traveled to Washington, DC to defend the Alzheimer's Association. She and her family are from Glenville.

By the end of the Sunday walk, participants and businesses had raised $ 41,000. Of this amount, $ 7,200 was raised the same day. According to Debbie Eddy, Community Engagement Manager at the Alzheimer's Association, to start a new march, the community is invited to raise $ 25,000.

"Walking to reach your goal for the first time in the first year is incredible," she said.

Irvine and Eddy said the money remained local, helping with education, training and research in the community.

Teams from all Albert Lea childcare facilities participated, as well as teams of friends and family members of Alzheimer's patients. Major donors include Mayo Clinic Health Systems in Albert Lea and Austin, Thorne Crest and Oak Park Place, Irvine said. Edward Jones is also a national presenting sponsor of the Alzheimer's Association.

"It's amazing that this community has been so welcoming," said Eddy.

Participants walk part of the road on Sunday during the first Walk to End Alzheimer's Disease in Freeborn County. Sarah Kocher / Albert Lea Tribune

Kate Price, who works at the Good Samaritan Society, said she had started participating in Walk to End Alzheimer's in Iowa when she became a Certified Nurse Assistant. The walk shows support for the community and the families she works with, she said.

In addition to a 1 or 2 km walk, the event featured face paint, a hot air balloon, a photo booth, a massage chair and food.

The entire event was punctuated by large five-petalled light flowers worn by the participants and stuck in haybales marking the beginning and end of the walk.

At the opening ceremony, Eddy invited the participants to raise their flowers, one color at a time. Orange: for those who support the cause and vision of a world without Alzheimer's. Violet: worn by those who have lost a person with Alzheimer's disease. Yellow: for those who support or care for someone with Alzheimer's disease. Blue: for people with dementia.

And finally, white: for the first survivor of Alzheimer's disease. Irvine and Eddy said that they were walking for the day that this white flower could become a reality. There is no prevention or treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

Heidi Fjermestad participated in the Walk to End Alzheimer's Disease with a Purple Flower. His father died two years ago.

"I just felt the need to participate," she said about her first walk. She said she wanted to raise awareness of the disease and the effects it has on caregivers and people with Alzheimer's disease.

"I hope we can stop it," she said.

Like many participants, Stephanie Breuer and Natalie Ouska have accessorized more than just a flower; They also wore gray T-shirts that read: "Hard as a mother". They refer to Breuer's mother and Ouska, who was diagnosed at 55 years old. It was their first walk.

"We were just so excited to have brought it to Albert Lea … and to be part of it and walk for it," said Breuer. Ouska said that her mother was a happy, generous and caring person.

"I'm happy to finally be able to do something for an illness that you can not do anything," Ouska said.

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