Albion's mother nearly loses her job for being stuck by her son in the hospital


ALBION, Michigan – Crystal Fisher has always thought that her husband's burial in 2015 was the hardest thing she's ever done, a- she said. However, seeing her son alive at the hospital was the worst for her.

"It's hard, it's hard," she says in a trembling voice. "I have people in my inbox who tell me how strong I am and how hard I try."

On Thursday morning, Crystal took her to Oaklawn Hospital in Marshall, she said. He had a fever of 104 and his oxygen was low. Crystal herself began to have panic attacks. So her daughter called her boss to PS "She said:" Can you have someone to cover the mom of [Friday] my brother is really sick, they will have to ventilate him "," he said. Crystal remembers, telling her boss on the phone, "And the boss, I could hear her on the phone and she told my daughter – that's not the way we handle things, your mother must be the one who calls me. "

Crystal was shocked, she said, but kept focusing on her son.Later in the day, a few hours after arriving at Oaklawn, the doctor said that Jason needed extra help because his fever was not breaking fast enough.

"He came in and told me that they were going to do it at [University of Michigan]"she said. "I lost it, it's my child."

When Crystal arrived in Ann Arbor and tried to see her son, she was not allowed to she said . She remembered seeing doctors everywhere and panicking even more.

"Then a doctor finally came out and took me to a private room and said they had to ventilate my son, that he was alive," Crystal said. "All they knew was that he had an infection somewhere."

The doctors did not know what kind of bacterial infection it was or where it was coming from, she said. Nevertheless, they kept it under ventilation. On Saturday, Crystal again reached out to his boss.

"I texted him Saturday and I told him that I should not be able to come to work until further notice, at least until he was not there anymore. alive. "Crystal said. "She came back automatically with oh, so you let me know you're leaving."

Crystal was shocked. She replied saying "no, so you tell me I'm fired?" His boss replied "it's not the way we handle things"; Furious, Crystal posted the exchange on Facebook and in one day it had been shared 25,000 times.

"My 14-year-old daughter was like" mom, mom so many actions "and I did not expect her to fly like that," Crystal said. "But when I have people in my inbox," I'm from Australia praying for you, you know, I'm just, I'm overwhelmed. "

One of the thousands of people to see his story was the Folk Oil Company Offices.They contacted him and told him to take as much time as needed.They also dismissed his boss. Crystal was grateful, she can now focus only on her son.

"My concern is when my son wakes up and when he opens his eyes, he sees mom there," said Crystal. [ad_2]
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